Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Potty Update

I've had lots of people asking me how potty training is going with here's the update!

* Right now we're averaging about 2 accidents/day (about 2 weeks ago it was more like 4) - but we've never had less than 1 per day.  Some days are better than others though.
* When he does have an accident, he pats where he's wet to tell me - very rare that he doesn't.
* Balian successfully does the "poop" sign - and sometimes uses it to tell us that he needs to go, other times, he'll just go to the potty to tell us he needs to go.
* We definitely still have a communication barrier, but it's getting better.  He does the sign for "all done" or says it when he's either finished going, or it I put him on the potty and he doesn't need to go.
* Most of the time, I ask him if he needs to go.  He'll tell me one way or another by either shaking his head no or saying "huh" for yes...and he's gotten to the point that he really does know one way or another.
* Most accidents occur if he's pre-occupied with something (playing) and doesn't stop what he's doing to go potty...even if I ask if he needs to go, and he's pre-occupied, he'll just ignore me - and if I try to take him anyway, he'll get really mad.  He just doesn't like being taken away from what he's doing.
* I think Balian actually does better when we're out (or even at other people's houses) than when we're at home...mainly because of the last statement.
* Because Balian has been cutting some molars, we've had some issues with not being able to hold runny poop...but Bella was the same way when she had runs.  I can't expect him to hold it then.  But when everything is working properly, we don't have problems with him regressing or anything, which is actually pretty amazing.
*we've figured out that if we give Balian water without anything to eat, about an hour later, he'll be having to go potty like every 10 minutes...but if we only give him water with something to eat, we usually don't have a problem with that, and he'll stick to 20-30 min. intervals.  When he hasn't just had water, he can go about an hour in between potty breaks now.
* Balian has started lamenting over his wet pants.  I take them off of him, he points to them, and starts doing this very sad whine-thing.  Even with diapers first thing in the morning and after nap, he's sad about wetness.  Makes me happy :)
* We've started using potty time for ABC flash cards.  Just going over all the letter sounds.  I started doing it because I just wanted to see what sounds he could actually say.  A week ago, I think he was only able to do like 6 of the letter sounds - no wonder he wasn't saying much - he couldn't even make the sounds!  But this week, he's been actually trying to repeat words and sounds...and we've noticed a huge difference in his vocabulary.  So we've gotten two great things: distraction during potty time, and improved vocabulary!  Not to mention, he may learn his letters and letter sounds even earlier than Bella - we'll see.

* oh, and we had to eliminate the use of M&Ms after about a week.  Apparently Balian is sensitive to chocolate - he wouldn't go to sleep until like 10pm because he was wired!  So, we went back to teddy grahams and/or animal crackers.  Although I've contemplated Reece's pieces, since they don't have any chocolate....but they still have so much sugar.  The good thing is that he's not going as often now as he was...we'll see how it goes.  Maybe it could be a reward for TELLING me he has to go instead of me just taking him...

Overall, I think things are going very well.  Apparently boys just take a lot longer than girls, and that's OK, so long as you prepare yourself for it.  I still think it's worth it to train early - even - or should I say especially - when they're boys.  I can't imagine doing this at 2 or 3 years old.  I can't imagine the resistance that I would face.  I'd rather it be a slow progression and a way of life than waiting a long time and feeling like I need to push them to train quickly, and getting stressed out if they didn't do what I expect of them.

My biggest concern with the new baby coming is not Balian regressing - but rather me causing him to regress by not sticking to what we've been doing.  I've heard from so many that they always have to go when you're nursing...I think I'll just have to start taking Balian before I sit down to nurse...and take him at the halfway point when I'm changing the baby's diaper too if I have to.  Or I may just have to adapt and figure out how to do both at the same time.  We'll see how it goes.  But honestly, I think I'd rather him regress a bit after laying the foundation than starting later.  Seems like it would be easier for him to pick back up to where we left off...I could be wrong, but again...we'll have to see how it goes.