Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Isaiah's Birth Story

Thursday, March 10, 2011

6am - I woke up from a dead sleep to a contraction that hurt so bad I had to breathe through it.  After the next one happened (13 min. later) I called Neil into the room and told him what happened.  Luckily, he hadn't left for work yet.

The contractions were separated like this:  13 min., 8 min, 7.5 min, 7 min, 6 min, 5 min - one right after the other.  And I was stopping to breathe through all of them.  At this point, Neil checked me, and said I was dilated to a 5 without stretching at all. 

7am - I called Melody and told her "I think I'm going to be having a baby today."  Everything just felt different about these contractions, and with them getting significantly closer together with each contraction, I just knew.  She said to keep monitoring them and call back in 30 min, unless something changed.

About 10 min. later, the contractions started going about 2.5 min. apart, and more painful.  I called Melody back and she and the team were on their way.

In the meantime, I got into the bathtub, but it was helping so well with the pain that I was having trouble timing the contractions.  So I got out, and they started right back up where they left off - 2.5 min. apart. 

8 am? - My friend Tricia came by to pick up the kids and take them to her house.  As she was leaving with the kids, Melody showed up. 

As I was having contractions, I was showing Melody where everything was as far as the birth supplies, and just talking to her about random stuff.  The rest of the team showed up at about 8:15 or 8:30, and started to get everything set out and ready for the delivery.  Melody guided me through rocking my hips during contractions to help the baby descend.

At this point, all of the midwives (Melody - midwife, Rosetta, Rosemary, and Sarah - apprentices) gathered around me and prayed over me, the baby, the labor, and delivery.

Not too long after this, I was starting to hurt pretty bad, so I decided to get back into the tub for some pain relief.   I was in there for a while, in different positions, still rocking my hips during contractions.  And all during labor, people kept reminding me to drink water, to empty my bladder, and even fed me bites of a cliff bar.  With how painful the contractions were, and with them still being 2.5 min. apart, we figured we'd have a baby within an hour or so...but then after a while, I was still at the same place - painful contractions 2.5 min. apart.  Melody and the others were so good about speaking encouraging words, and giving gentle touches when needed.  They were my encouragers.  Neil was my comforter and teammate.

At some point while I was in the tub my Dad and my friend Maryann showed up.  Maryann just happened to be on vacation and had gotten into town the day before...They hung out in the living room while I labored.

Melody started to get concerned about not continuing to progress.  She told me to get out of the tub and walk around or whatever I wanted to do, but that we needed to use gravity to our advantage.  So I got out...and gravity was definitely working (or maybe I should say that the tub was working...) The contractions immediately got stronger.

During contractions, I continued to rock my hips, and Neil pushed my hips together or massaged my lower back - both for pain relief and trying to help the baby descend.

After a while, Melody said that she wanted to check the baby's position.
She said I was dilated to an 8, and about 90% effaced.  She was having trouble finding the baby's position.  She finally realized that the baby's head was kinked to the side a bit, which is why I wasn't continuing to progress as she expected.

Rosemary (one of the apprentices) used pressure/massage both in my lower back and hip/pelvic area to try to get the baby to move.  He definitely moved some, and I started having much harder contractions.  I decided that I didn't want to move, so I stayed on the bed...

Not too long after this, I started feeling the urge to push during my contractions.  This went on for a while, and my water still hadn't broken.  I'm thinking "seriously?  why hasn't my water broken yet?  Why is this baby not here yet?"  It was just so different than the other two.  Instead of hitting transition, getting no break between contractions, but having a kid in no time - I hit transition, the contractions were really painful, but they were still far enough apart that I was able to get breaks in between them.  The pain was seriously bad though...I felt like at any moment my water would break...I kept pushing and pushing...but nothing.  Just pain...feeling the baby descending, and lots of screaming :)  During the pushing, the midwives were applying warm compresses to the perineum.

Neil got into position to deliver the baby.

After pushing for close to 20 min., my water finally broke with a gush - All over Neil! ha.
A couple minutes later, Isaiah's head popped out, and was turning as he was coming out.  The cord was wrapped behind his neck, over his shoulders, and under his arms.  Melody and Neil got him unwrapped, and guided him out the rest of the way.  Total pushing time: 22minutes.
Total labor time: just shy of 7 hours.

Neil announced the birth of a baby Boy - a surprise to all of us.  Even the midwives were all convinced that it was going to be a girl - because they said that boys typically have a harder time during labor, but Isaiah's heart rate never dropped at all - and he did wonderfully the entire delivery.

For the first time ever - No tearing during delivery.  Not one - probably because it took him so long to come out.

They immediately put him skin to skin with me, and (this is a bit different) once the placenta was delivered, Neil cut the cord.

We were all laughing and celebrating for a while, as the midwives were all checking vitals, etc. while Isaiah was still on my tummy.  He wasn't quite ready to nurse yet.  Once vitals were done, Isaiah and I got into the bathtub for an herbal bath, to promote healing for me and the umbilical cord for him.  While we were in there, Isaiah nursed, and Neil sat by us, next to the tub, so we could both get to know our new baby boy.  He also fed me a turkey sandwich.  love him.

After the bath, I got cleaned up and dressed, and went back to the bed, where the linens had already been removed and put into the wash, to check vitals again.  Then, my Dad and Maryann were able to come in and meet Isaiah as well - and share the story from their point of view.

Isaiah Ethan Jones was born at 12:47 pm, weighing 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 20 inches long.

Welcome to the world, Isaiah!!

Would I have a home birth again?  Most definitely.  If I had been in a hospital, they may have broken my water, but that could have caused more complications.  I could have even ended up in a c-section because of his position.  The difference is how proactive everyone was.  Melody and the team knew what to do to help me through the pain, and the awkward positioning so that Isaiah could come.  And I was so much more comfortable than I would have been in a hospital.  And really, you can't beat knowing that every single person surrounding you is a believer - praying for you - encouraging you - serving you - loving you - and wanting the absolute best for you.  Neil sums it up like this: In a hospital, it's about what the doctors and nurses do (they break the water, they give medicine, they do this or that...), but this labor was all about me and what I was doing.  The others were simply there to support, encourage, and direct the course of labor...letting me do what my body needed to do to deliver Isaiah.

What do I think about the birth?  It was definitely longer and definitely harder than my other two.  The length didn't bother me - It actually helped me out to not have a labor so fast and furious.  Because of the length, I not only didn't tear, but my body also didn't go into shock right after delivering like it usually does.  No shaking at all this time.
The hardest part was the pain.  There was definitely reason for it, and it was definitely less than it could have been if his position hadn't been changed at all during the course of labor.  I'm just thankful that God gave me breaks during the course of the pain to be able to take a breather and get through it.
No, I still wouldn't get an epidural or any other drugs, even with the pain.  Having anything could have hindered the whole process as well - and by golly, I loved not being strapped down or having an IV.  It was fabulous!

Highly recommend a home birth and midwifery care to anyone and everyone (that isn't super high-risk) that is expecting a baby.  SO worth everything!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

38 weeks (part 2) - positions and chiropractors

Seems like all I'm blogging about is baby stuff, but I guess that's because that's pretty much the main focus of our attention right now.

Last night I was having contractions 2.5 minutes apart.  I was breathing pretty hard, and I was having to pause and kinda bend over through them.  The bad thing is that I was only feeling the pain on my right side.  That's happened a lot with the contractions, but this time with how hard they were, it was starting to worry me.  I called my midwife, Melody, and she said that it worried her too.  She said that she thought the baby may be in a bad position that would make labor a lot more difficult.  She advised us to meet she and the chiropractor at the birthing center to get adjusted.  She said it would either put me into full-on labor, or it would stop the contractions so that I could be more comfortable and get some sleep.  Neil and I weren't quite ready to wake up the kids and drive 30 min. for an adjustment when I had one scheduled for the next morning, so we decided to wait it out a bit and see if the contractions would stop.
Luckily, after getting into a warm bath for a while, the contractions started to become more inconsistent and less painful.  They didn't stop completely, but I knew that labor wasn't happening last night.

So, this morning, all of us went together for my appointment.  I saw the chiropractor first.  She confirmed that the baby was indeed in an awkward position.  The head was down, and the back was on the left side (good), but the head was off-center and kinked, and it seemed like the baby was also trying to get a hand up by its head as well.  She adjusted my hips, pelvic bone, back, neck - the whole bit.  Then, she just put me in lots of different positions, and worked on trying to physically move the baby into a better position.  I walked up and down the stairs and around the premises of the birthing center for a while, to get my hips and pelvis moving around, then she checked the baby's position again.  Everything looked good!

I had my regular appointment too.  BP was a bit on the higher end for me, but she wasn't worried about it because of the contractions and all that that I've been having.  Everything else looked good.  She checked the baby's position internally, and said that it seemed like the baby was back to a good position as well.  She said that she thought I was dilated to more like a 4.5 rather than a 5, but said that when someone is having lots of contractions the cervix tends to stretch out more.  Everything else was about the same.

I'm just happy that the baby is in a good position now, so that when I do go into labor we don't have any problems.  My prayer is that everything will just stay aligned until labor starts.  Of course, the good thing is that if my hip/pelvic bone do go out and gets the baby into a bad position again, and I go into labor, I can call the chiropractor to come to the house for the labor and delivery along with the midwife, if needed.

Waiting for the Lord's perfect timing...  

Monday, March 7, 2011

38 weeks

Well, we made it to 38 weeks.  I wasn't sure that was going to happen.
I know that not only are WE getting antsy, but I know everyone else is as well.  
It was funny to see people at church yesterday and all of them were like "umm...that baby still isn't out yet?"  Especially because a lot of them saw me on Friday night - when I was having regular contractions at about 6.5 minutes apart - standing, sitting, whatever.  Too bad they fizzled out when we got home.
And that is the story of my life right now.
Cramps start.  contractions go into gear.  They'll be consistently apart for a while.  They may even increase in strength and get closer together after a bit.  I feel them in the front AND back...and really low too.  Random sharp pains in the pelvis happen.  Then, after about an hour or two of this consistency...instead of continuing to increase in strength or getting closer together they just fizzle out.
Apparently God has a very specific day he wants this baby to be born...and it obviously hasn't happened yet.

The funny thing is that I was perfectly content to have this baby inside of me until the full 40 weeks... I was even expecting it to go longer...
...that is, until I started progressing so much.
There's just something about being 5cm, or there-about, and having the baby continuing to descend into the pelvic bone...and effacing happening...and having off and on contractions...that just makes you say "ok, seriously, what's the deal?  Why isn't this baby coming out?"

I had a dream Saturday night that really got to me too.  It wasn't a bad dream by any means.  But in my dream, I had been having contractions, so I called my midwife.  Then the whole midwife staff, and tons of other people were at my house, and once they got there, my contractions fizzled out.  When that happend, everyone just got up and left.  I appologized to my midwife for calling her to the house, and explained that I was just so scared that I was going to be delivering the baby by myself!
I woke up sobbing, and even after waking up fully, I couldn't stop sobbing for a while.
I didn't think that I was fearful.  But I think God gave me that dream to show me that I, in fact, was!  It brought everything out to the open.  I just sat there praying for a while, confessing my fears, and repenting for being fearful.  Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of a passage that we went over in BSF only a couple weeks ago from Isaiah 43:1-2 :

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and when  you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze."

The Lord was encouraging me, saying "You know, it doesn't really matter what happens - how this baby is born - or even if you have to do it by yourself.  You will NOT be alone.  I will be with you.  I will guide and direct you.  And even if this doesn't go as YOU plan, my plans are for your GOOD.   It will produce character that I otherwise would not be able to cultivate in you.  You will depend fully on me and my strength and my power, rather than your own.   So FEAR NOT.  This baby will come in my time, in my will.  I will give you what you need, when you need it - if you will just rely on me."

That pretty much sums it up.
No matter how much I'm dilated or effaced.  No matter what symptoms of labor I've already had.  No matter how many times I have contractions, or how much the baby continues to descend...
God is totally in control of this whole thing.  His timing is the best.
When we were considering homebirth in the first place, I remember struggling with the thought a bit.  Then the Lord just said "Don't fear.  Trust me."  It's like he's really wanting to teach me something through all of this.  Perhaps it's simply to trust.  Perhaps it's how to wait on him for his perfect timing.  Perhaps he wants to teach me to rely on His strength.  Or perhaps it's all of the above, and more.
Whatever the case, He's wanting to teach me something, and I have to be willing and open to his instruction and direction.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

37 weeks (part 2)

So, here's an update:
Tuesday, after my appointment, the "bloody show" tapered off.  Then, that evening I had a lot more.  I called the midwife and she said it was probably a sign that I may be dilating some more...but that no matter what, it was definitely just another sign that my body was gearing up for labor even more.

Wednesday, I went to Ft.Worth for BSF, because nothing was going on.  About halfway through, at about 10:30, I started having some light contractions.  On the way home, I started feeling them in my back as well, and there seemed to be more of them.
When we got home, I got the kids in the stroller and went for an "easy" walk around the block (really, about a mile).
Then, I took a nap when the kids did.  I was actually able to sleep some, but I woke up because I was having some more contractions.  And the way I figured it, if they were strong enough to wake me up from a deep sleep, then I should really start paying attention to them.
I started timing them, and they were pretty inconsistent (anywhere from 4-8 min. apart), and not very strong, but they were definitely being felt from the back to the front, and then down to the pelvic bone.  Neil checked me when he got home from work and I had dilated to about a 4.5.  Called the midwife, just to tell  her what was going on, and she said to call her again when they increased in strength.
They seemed to be getting more consitent (4-6 min. apart) and a little bit stronger (but still able to talk through them, etc.) after dinner.  When the kids went to bed at 8, Neil checked me again, and I was more like a 5, and he said he thought I effaced just a bit too - but he's not good with figuring out percentages...he just knows that there was a change.
We got really excited and started getting stuff ready, but they started to fizzle out at about 9pm.  so sad :(

Last night I definitely had some contractions while sleeping, and a couple of them woke me up.
So far today, I've had some contractions, but nothing strong at all...I'd say even lighter than yesterday so far.  I may go for a long walk today...
We'll just have to see what happens.
At 5 cm, I'm thinking it could seriously be anytime.  I'm actually a little curious as to how in the world labor didn't start last night...
But my biggest concern is that I'm already halfway dilated...
My labors are usually pretty quick without being dilated much, if any...
Good thing we're doing a homebirth, and we have the birthing supplies here, at the house!

So, pray for wisdom for me - that everything goes smoothly - and that this baby would come at God's perfect time!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

37 weeks

Another appointment today...

* Dilated to about a 3.5.  She said the cervix is open more at the bottom (about a 4) than the top (3.5).
* Effaced the same - about 70%
* Baby is at a -1 station (so, starting to enter into the pelvic bone).  First thing Melody said to me when she saw me today was "You look lower!"  I hadn't really noticed...then I thought about it...maybe I have been walking a little bit differently...but nothing like feeling like I have a basketball between my legs, like some people describe it.  But, during the exam it was's definitely lower.
* Mucus plug is gone.  There was definitely some bloody show when they checked me today.  Apparently the mucus plug has a way of continuing to replenish you can continue to lose bits of it until you go into labor...welcome to my life - yeah...gross.
* I got my burst of energy (nesting) yesterday.  I started cleaning the entire house.  Vacuumed the entire house, did the dishes, did ALL of the laundry (about 6 loads) and it was all folded and put away before Neil got home, cleaned all 2.5 bathrooms, cooked, picked up clutter, did school-time with Bella, AND had time to spend with the Lord (which was difficult, because I didn't want to sit still!)  I think it was the most productive day I've had in my entire life!  And am I tired today? no!  First thing this morning, I decided to vacuum out the van (who does that?) and I've been cleaning windows, dusting, cleaning out the refrigerator, and trying to figure out what else I can do...sewing isn't active enough!
* Saw the pregnancy chiropractor again today.  She adjusted my hips and pelvic bone again.  She's been working on my lower back, because I've had some pain on the left side of my tailbone - apparently it's because the right side was off, so the I was feeling grinding on the left side.  Today I left feeling the best I have thus far - no pain at all on that left side!  yeah!  She also worked on my sinuses again, which makes me happy - it seems to really be helping.  The chiropractor warned me that because my body seems to be already gearing up for labor, that adjusting me could put me over the edge (aka get labor started).  So far nothing, other than some braxton-hicks and some sharp pelvic/cervical pains.  But you never know...
The kids also got adjustments again - and both of their pelvic bones were out of line on the same side as mine.  so weird.  She said that it was an indicator of stress - that the kids may be picking up on my stress or whatever - seeing the big change coming of a new baby.  So crazy. now we play the waiting game...and I'm trying to not go crazy in the meantime.