Friday, November 18, 2011


3 kids in the tub
ooo, the new possibilities
the baby, the comic, and the firecracker too
I can't believe it's true!

Do you see the Pet shampoo?  No, we don't have a dog.  We use it for Isaiah (and me) for eczema.  I know.  weird.  But it's been working really good and I've definitely noticed a difference in both of us.  It's actually John Paul's (the Paul in Paul Mitchell) Pet Shampoo for sensitive skin or something like that.  It has oatmeal and almond oil in it...if you or your baby have eczema, check it out!

And yes, Balian got a haircut.  I went grocery shopping, and when I came home, he had no hair.  Apparently some guy at the auto parts store referred to Balian as a "she" and Neil just couldn't handle it.  Whatever.  People are so dense.  I thought it would be the coolest thing ever for my crazy man to have a fro.  We'll try again later, I suppose...