For those that don't know, the season of Advent started on Sunday. Advent is the season where we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ's coming. We reflect on the meaning of Christ becoming flesh. We read the Love Story that God unfolded, and had planned since the beginning of time. It's so easy to get caught up in all of the "festivities" that surround Christmastime, and neglect the very thing that is the most important - worship and adoration of the Savior Himself. That's why I love Advent. It helps me to slow down, reflect, worship, pray, and serve - all while anticipating the celebration that is to come.
I've gotten tons of questions lately about the Jesse Tree. I love the questions, because I am so excited that a lot of our friends have decided to start doing the Jesse Tree with their families this year. I just love this tradition. Starting the first day of Advent, you read a passage of scripture together as a family, then hang a corresponding ornament on your Jesse Tree. The readings go through the promises that God made to his people, the lineage of Christ, and the prophesies about Christ, all leading up to Jesus' birth. The Jesse Tree gets its name from the Messianic prophesy in Isaiah 11, that starts with "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit..."
Where do you get a Jesse Tree?
There are people that sell the whole package or just the ornaments, or just a booklet of readings and information on Etsy. Most are done out of felt and done like a banner that you hang on your wall. This is what I grew up using, only my mom made ours. You could also do what we've done, and use the Christmas tree that you already have. Instead of using it as a "Christmas tree", we still put it up, put lights on it (Jesus is the light of the world) and put an angel on top (Announcing the Coming of the Lord), then only put our Jesse tree ornaments on it. So, it starts out with only lights and gets one ornament added every night. I also handmade my ornaments out of wooden circles and squares that I got at a craft store, used paint pens to draw pictures on them, drilled holes in the tops, and put wire through them to make hooks to hang them. Want to do the Jesse tree but really want to save money? Go get a big branch out of your backyard, draw pictures on paper circles, and put some yarn through them. yep. that works too.
You want Scripture verses to read?
There are so many scripture readings that you could use. What each family uses differs greatly. If you look it up, you'll get lots of different passages. This is the list that we use, which are the same readings that I grew up with. Add or subtract passages as you wish, change up the order to mix up old testament and new testament...just remember the most passages you should use is 28, because at most, Advent is 4 full weeks.
Week 1:
Jeremiah 33: 14-16 Jesse Tree Prophesy (tree branch)
Genesis 1:1-2:4a Creation (world and clouds)
Gen. 2:4b-7 Creation of Man (mud man)
Gen. 2:8-17 Where man lives (tree and flowers)
Gen. 2:18-24 Creation of Woman (lumber lady)
Gen. 3:1-7 The Fall (serpent and apple)
Gen. 3:8-24 The Result (flaming sword)
Week 2:
Gen 4: 1-16 Cain and Able (Man torn from man)
Gen. 6:5-9; 7:1-5,10, 17-23; 8:6-13 The Flood (ark)
Gen. 9:1-17 Noah's covenant (Rainbow)
Gen. 11:1-9 Tower of Babel (*says people torn from people. We use the tower as a symbol.)
Gen. 12:1-7; 15:5-6 (*says tent, but we use a sky full of stars)
Gen. 22:1-18 Sacrifice of Issac (lamb)
Gen. 28:10-22 Jacobs Dream (ladder)
Week 3:
Gen. 37:1-35 Selling of Joseph (coat)
Ex. 3:1-18 Moses' call (burning bush)
Ex. 20:1-17 Law of the Covenant (tablets/10 commandments)
1 Sam. 3:1-20 Samuel, first Prophet (lamp)
1 Sam. 9:15-17,25-10:1 Saul, first king (oil flask)
1 Sam. 16:1-13 Jesse's son (branch with flowers)
1 Sam. 16:14-23 David (harp)
Week 4:
1 Kings 3:3-28 Solomon (justice scales)
Micah 5:2-4 Bethlehem prophesy (town)
Jeremiah 23:2-8 people-shepherd prophesy (shepherd's crook)
Isaiah 9:2-7 Messiah-king prophesy (crown)
Isaiah 11:1-10 Messianic age prophesy (branch with fruit)
Matthew 1:18-25 Annunciation and expectation (angel)
Luke 2:1-21 Nativity evening (baby)
And now...worship.
For a lot of years now, this has been my favorite Advent song. It's an updated version of the hymn that's actually really good and speaks to my heart every time I listen to it. I hope you enjoy!!