Friday, June 1, 2012

Word for Word - God is Big

As we are talking about God over lunch, I was telling the kids that when there are thunderstorms, it reminds me just how big God is.  When I hear the BOOM of the thunder, and I see the flashes of lightning, it makes me stand  in awe of how BIG my God is...

Bella: You know, Mommy, God is WAY bigger than you.
Me: He sure is!
Bella: Yeah, He's so big He can't even fit in our house! If he came into our house, He would have to bend over, like this (showing me by demonstration) and He couldn't stand up strait!

 ...we proceeded to talk about how God CAN fit into our He lives in our hearts because of the Holy Spirit...

I just love a 5-year-old's perception of big.
Big = bigger than mommy
Big = bigger than my house

Perhaps that will translate eventually into...
Bigger than my circumstances...
Bigger than myself...
Bigger than my enemies...
Bigger than my sin...

Little words throughout the day can plant so much that God can grow into something bigger.
Yes.  God is BIG.