Good-bye anti-depressants! I hope you won't be offended, but I won't be missing you one bit. I needed you as a crutch for a while, but now that I'm getting healthy again, and feeling better, you were only making me feel worse.
Good-bye Acne! I'm getting the nutrients that my body needs, so they aren't being stolen from my skin anymore...I can go without makeup again without feeling horribly awkward/embarrassed...and I can do it without using Acne fighting face wash or treatments...finally.
Good-bye mood swings! I feel like myself again. Even when I'm angry or stressed out for the moment, self control is possible, and yelling isn't my line of defense. I can show patience again. I'm less easily irritated. I'm actually enjoying my children and wanting to really play with them- and other kids too! I don't go berserk when my surroundings get loud. I can stop and think, breathe, etc. when I feel the least bit overwhelmed. I like to cuddle again...and tickle...and play hide and seek...
Good-bye fatigue! I feel motivated AND I have the energy to do whatever I'm motivated to do.
Good-bye Stress! I feel like I can finally relax. Take a load off. Go with the flow. Let things roll off my back. Deal with issues as they arise calmly. I do everything better without your toxic presence.
Hello genuine smiles.
Hello joyful laughter.
Hello wit. You've been lacking.
Hello caring what I look like and wanting to look cute for my hubby.
Hello quality time.
Hello better time management.
Hello completed projects.
Hello dancing parties in the living room.
Hello "crazy" me.
Hello "Pammy hugs".
Hello extroverted side. I've missed you.
Hello late night delirious giggles.
Hello so many parts of me that haven't been here in a while.
Hello Healing.
Thank you, my Healer
You get every bit of the glory.