Yeah...with all of the moving and job changing, we ended up not getting a 2-month check-up for Balian.
But everything went well. I like the doctor we went to, that was recommended to me by the wife of one of Neil's co-workers. Dr. Simpson has 6 kids of her own (crazy), is awesome about shots (everything is mercury free and preservative free and she spreads out all of the "live, risky" ones they have to get when they're older), and just has a really good way of doing things. She'll tell her patients what the AAP says, then tells them her own opinions, but then isn't all "my way or the highway" - and puts it into the parents' court. She said "I see your kids for 15 minutes; you see them all the time. You definitely have a better idea of what's best for your kid. I give you some options. It's your job to find what works."
Here's Balian's stats:
Length: 26.5 inches (95%)
Weight: 17 lbs. 12 oz. (95%)
HA! My kid is HUGE! Proportionate, but HUGE! Dr. Simpson asked if Bella was always big for her age, and of course..yes... It's so odd. Neil and I aren't very big people, but somehow we have very large babies :) She said that he definitely wasn't fat...just a big baby.
Everything else was good. vitals were good.
Talked about the reflux. we aren't going to put him back on medicine at this point. only if it starts to really bother him (burn when he spits up and he gets really fussy).
Talked about solid food (I have already started Balian on rice cereal from a spoon)
and of course...Balian got some shots...which he wasn't too fond of. The first one didn't phase him. The second one though, he let out the biggest wail I have heard in quite a while.
On another note...I finally got a FULL night of rest last night!! Balian has been going 12+ hours at night between feedings for about 3 weeks now, but he's been waking up A LOT for other reasons (gas, teething, etc.), so we haven't been able to enjoy his feed-less nights. Well, last night he ate at 7:30, was in Bed by 8:15 and woke up at 7:45 this morning!! woo hoo!! He stirred a couple of times, but was able to put himself back to sleep, so I am thrilled :) Now the question is - can he do it again??