Oh, the potty update.
Good news: Balian has pretty much officially stopped pooping in his diaper. The only time we have a (very rare) messy diaper is if I don't hear him right away when he wakes up in the morning, and I take too long to get him to the potty. Makes sense. He's still young, and can only hold it so long ;) Other than that - during the day, no poop. (I think we've only had 1 messy diaper in the past 2 weeks or so...) Life is fabulous.
Bad news: Balian is definitely not catching on to the potty thing as quickly as Bella did. I suppose it's to be expected. I've always heard that it takes longer for boys than girls. It's just crazy - At this point (14 months) Bella was fully trained during the day, minus naps. She would tell us when she needed to go and everything. Yes, it is definitely different with Balian. I don't think it really phases Balian to be wet at this point. He loves to sit on the potty (he'll sit on there forever!), and when he goes, he gets really excited and claps for himself - he just hasn't developed the understanding of what it feels like BEFORE he goes, and therefore the muscle control yet to be able to hold it until we get to the potty. He knows WHEN he's going. He feels that - and sometimes grunts when he does it. I guess it's just a matter of time and patience.
Not that it really interferes with life too much. We're just sticking to the routine until he shows some signs that he's ready to move forward. We've got the poop thing down, yes....but we need some signs (like, discomfort when he's wet, or showing that he's trying to hold it, etc.) that he's ready to move beyond wet diapers all the time before we transition to anything else but the routine.
Of course, if any of you have trained boys early (less than 18 months), I'd be open to suggestions that worked for you. They're just so different than girls :)