Isaiah's 2-month stats:
Height: 22 inches
Weight: 9 lbs. 11 oz.

I can't believe Isaiah is 2 months old already. It's amazing how quickly time passes when you're trying to keep up with 3 kids! At home, we're pretty good - we've got a pretty good rhythm going. Outings are getting better, but I still feel pretty overwhelmed with all 3 by myself out and about at this point. I also need to work on divvying up my time with the other two kids a little better than I have been. They are just crying out for attention, and I feel like I'm either feeding or putting Isaiah down for a nap...or trying to catch-up on the motherload of housework that needs to be done that has been neglected for so long. 24 hours in a day just doesn't seem to be enough at this point. But I am celebrating the small accomplishments - last week I did all the laundry and cooked 2 times!! yeah!
Isaiah is doing pretty good. He's smiling a lot - at everybody, keeping eye contact following objects from one side to the other, holding his head up and looking strait ahead when he's on his tummy. And yes, he's still rolling over from tummy to back - both directions.
Isaiah sportin' his BabyLegs and newly made wool cover. |
He's gaining weight well, averaging a little over an ounce per day. He's still nursing exclusively, and he's only had 1 bottle of breast milk. He took the bottle well, we just weren't prepared to give him as much as he needed, which made it very interesting. After that, I did a weigh/feed/weigh to figure out how much he's getting from me, and he's getting close to 6 oz.! We are still having some problems with physical abnormalities of the mouth....which I'll post more on later.