We had our 2nd ultrasound on Monday. It was odd to not find out what we're going to have, and HARD not to look too! But I'm excited about being surprised. Everything about this birth is going to be so different...and I'm excited about it all.
I love to watch my babies during the ultrasound. They usually have mannerisms that they continue to have after they're born. Bella likes her hands in her mouth...Balian crosses his ankles all the time... This baby was laying it's hand over it's face - so cute...perhaps we'll see he/she sleeping like that once it's out :) The baby also had the hiccups. so cute :)
Everything looked good. due date is right on with the baby's measurements - March 20.

We also had a prenatal appointment with the midwife yesterday. Everything went well. urine looked good, I gained about 2 lbs. in a month, and I'm measuring about 1 week large for the first time ever. ha. One kinda funny thing that happened - the midwife-in-training was having a hard time finding the heart rate...so the midwife came over, felt around on my belly, put her finger where she thought the heart should be, and sure enough, she was right on the money. Ha. makes me laugh every time. She said that my next appointment they'll have me check out a book about baby positioning, so that I can tell exactly what the baby's position is at all times - and what's digging into my side as well ;)
We did check out a video on water birth - just to look at it as an option. Interesting stuff. Didn't seem as messy as I thought it would...and the most interesting thing to me is that none of the babies came out screaming - they were all definitely alert, but as calm as could be. Something to think about.
Running: I've probably averaged running about once per week. Not as much as I would like, but doing anything is better than what I've been able to do before at this point, so I'm excited. Perhaps with it getting colder, the treadmill will get more use and I'll run more often - we'll see. I'm going at about a 12 min. pace for about 3 miles at a time right now. The biggest problem has been my knees hurting, but I think that mainly has to do with going slower and therefore shortening my stride. That always makes my legs hurt. I'm sure more weight putting pressure on joints has something to do with it too, but when I run the pace I really want to (my comfortable pace - faster) my knees don't hurt. I have discovered that the Belly Bands that you can use to help wear pre-pregnancy pants longer is a great belly support for running. It holds the belly in a bit, so there's less bouncing, and that means being overall more comfortable...and less potty breaks too.