Birthday: April 11
Age: 3
Height: 3 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 35.5 lbs.
Hair: blonde (though getting darker), curly, and typically unbrushed, frizzed out, and crazy.
Eyes: blue
Where I live: Texas

Counting: I can count to 20. I'm working on the 20-30 range at the moment - but it seems harder.
ABCs: I can say my ABCs, I recognize all of the capital letters, all but about 2 of the lowercase ones, and I know more than half of the letter sounds. vowels are the hardest, because they say more than one thing, although I know both sounds that both "a" and "c" make...
I'm working on learning to write some letters too - Here is some of my "writing" abilities (mommy lets me trace her letters).

Reading: I'm learning some word recognition while I'm also learning to sound out some words too - I can recognize words like cat, eyes, gorilla, tiger, dog, elephant, chimpanzee, zip, and baby...and names like Bella and Pamela. but I can also sound out words like cat, dog, hat, etc.

Shapes: I know the normal ones (square, triangle, circle, star) as well as some harder ones like rectangle, oval, trapazoid, and I'm working on the pentagon, hexagon, and octagon. those all look the same to me though.
Colors: I can recognize and name them all - just recently I finally was able to not get yellow and orange confused.
Bible verses I have memorized: Psalm 23, The Lord's Prayer, John 3:16, Colossians 3:20
Here's a video of me doing Psalm 23: (this is the first video mommy has been able to post of it because of the video camera issues ...not nearly as cute as an 18-month-old saying "shepherd" in a soft squeaky voice, but still really cute!)
Chores I help mommy with sometimes: put clothes in, turn on, and put soap into the washing machine; take clothes out of the washer and put them in the dryer; put my clothes away in my drawers; sweep; vacuum; clean the bathtub; wash Balian's bottles/cups; bake; cook; and the newest thing - roll out bread dough.
color: Purple
book: Dora 123 (Tag Jr. by Leapfrog)
things to sleep with: pink elephant, blue elephant, and pink bunny
baby doll: Judy Apple (did you see all the pictures in the last post?)
way to help mommy around the house: make granola
foods: strawberries, PB & J (with crunchy PB), pears, and grapes.
drink: juice. whatever/whenever mommy will let me have it.
to wear: tutus, bloomers, rainboots, leggings, tights, leotards, headbands on my head like Rambo, a purse at any given moment, as well as any necklaces or bracelets I can find.
Ladybugs or butterflies: ladybugs
zoo or beach: zoo
Favorite things to do right now: play on my swing set and torture my brother any way that I can. I especially like to bite his fingers really hard right now - that really gets him crying!