1. The fabulousness of a double jogger. I can run with both kids. It's more weight to push with another kid, but the kids to great together in it, amazingly enough...and we can use this for a bike trailer too! multi-purpose - I love it! After two weeks of working up to 3 miles with this baby, I was able to run 5 miles on my own! heck yeah!

2. A cat had a litter of kittens behind our backyard fence

3. The rock path that we thought was a really random, incomplete path actually goes from our front driveway around the side of our house to the gate of the backyard. Who knew that it was just covered in weeds and about 2 inches of dirt?

4. Neil's parents and grandparents came into town to celebrate Bella's birthday with us. One evening, after coming back to the house from taking pictures for our neighborhood directory, we found Grandpa Hillard sitting on the front porch just staring at this moth that was on Balian's pack n' play. He said that in the one hour we were gone, This moth sprouted and grew these wings. seriously. wings came out of this thing in one hour. God's creation is seriously amazing. Grandpa liked it so much he decided to let it hang out on his shirt for a while...

5. I wish I had a picture, but I don't. Bella and I were cleaning out a flowerbed (that you can faintly see in the background of the rock picture above) that was full of leaves and dead stuff and probably hadn't been cleared out in a couple of years. In Texas, I don't like piles of leaves just lying around...for this reason...we found 3 snakes in there! 3! they were all just grass snakes, but the third one we found was about 2 ft. long and about 2 inches wide - apparently grass snakes can be Texas -sized too!