So I posted about Orlando, but never got around to posting about cumberland Island. The day that Neil's parents left us, my parents came to visit for about a week. It was fabulous to be able to spend that much time with them for a change. They have been here twice in the past, once when Bella was born, and once for her first birthday. Both times they were here a grand total of about 2 days. And when I go home to visit, they are usually both working, so I still don't get to see them nearly as much as we did this time around - so wonderful!
The biggest thing we did while they were here was go to Cumberland Island, finally! We've lived here for 3 years and haven't been yet. Isn't it amazing how we never really do the "tourist" stuff where we live unless someone comes to visit? It's just crazy.
We took the Ferry from Downtown St. Marys to Cumberland Island at about 9am. We took a guided tour of all the ruins, and the history behind the island, then stopped to have lunch.
ready for a day of hiking...
some of the ruins...I think this is called the Dutchess.
Just a glimpse of our hike. I learned that Palmettos can survive forest fires, and the trees get all twisty-like because of the winds off the coast. interesting... and beautiful too!
Bella taking a catnap on Daddy's back...

Then we headed to the beach. And let me just say, it was the best beach I have ever been to in the States. Of course, the Atlantic coast is much better by far than the Gulf, but this tops all of the local beaches by FAR! better than Fernandina Beach, and better than Jax Beach...and the best part of all, was that because the only way you can get to the island is by boat, there were hardly any people there. :)
Me and my Daddy...

We headed back on the 2:45 Ferry - fully content with the amount of time we spent - and promising that we would return sometime soon. :)