Here's a picture of Bella in the sling the day she came home from the hospital:
My only complaint about this sling is the fact that it wasn't really adjustable at all. It worked great when she was a newborn, because all she did was lay in it anyway. But once she got older and I wanted to hold Bella on my hip with it, it didn't work so much. The top part was always too loose, and I felt like I needed to kinda hold her with my hands, even though I shouldn't have to. I followed the instructions on how to fold it at the shoulder to where it was tighter at the top, but that just wasn't comfortable at all.
Seriously though...I LOVE this sling...this is my only complaint. There are actually some things that I can do with the annabear babyware sling that I probably wouldn't be able to do with any other kind.
However, this time around, I decided to try to find one that was a bit more adjustable.
Funny thing...when I went home for Christmas, there was a lady at my parent's church that had a baby sling that had rings to adjust it - it was awesome! (this was around the time that Neil and I were trying to get pregnant) I asked her where she got it, and she told me that a friend had made it for her. So, I got home and looked around online, and found the Maya Wrap website, which features the Maya Wrap Ring Sling.
The most awesome part is that they feel so confident in their product that they post instructions on how to make one yourself if you're trying to save money! Here's the link:
So... guess what I did?
Instead of it costing around $60 plus shipping for one of these babies, I made mine, and it cost somewhere around $10-12 for 2.5 yards of fabric, thread, and metal rings.
And it is SUPER easy! Yes, I am a very advanced sewer, but it only took me about an hour at most to make. AND - it's so strong, that I can hold Bella on my hip in it, without supporting her with my hands... and she weighs 30 lbs!
Here's the finished product:

I even made a "mini" version for Bella to wear with her baby doll:

Next, I'll be working on making a "Hooter Hider"... so check back on that later!