My baby girl's girliness is emerging more and more everyday. It's such a beautiful thing to watch unfold before my eyes. Bella has such a fondness for purses these days that I got a purse out of my closet that I don't really ever use, and put it in Bella's toy chest for playtime. I usually put stuff like a bracelet, her sunglasses, her toy cell phone, her baby Einstein radio, and (oh, I better not forget) her Bella-sized new testament - stuff like that - in there for her to go through and pull stuff out, just as she LOVES to do with mine...
This was the outcome of playtime the other day:

Then, yesterday, because Bella's hair has been growing like crazy, I decided to try to put it up in pig-tails for the first time. SO CUTE! Check it out:

Again, with the Bible... only this time, it's Mommy's. How awesome is it that my kid loves the Bible so much! My hope (and everyday prayer) is that this love of the Bible grows into a true hunger and thirst for God's Word :)