Bella usually ASKS for me to put her to bed when she's tired, and the past couple of weeks she had been fighting it BIG-TIME. When we came home from Texas and it was the same thing going on, I started doing the process of elimination. Was she dropping a nap and I was still forcing 2 on her? or was she ready for a
toddler bed?
toddler bed?
So...we tested the waters with the Toddler Bed, just for kicks.
Bella was in the room with me when I was changing out the front of her crib, and I almost couldn't get the girl away from the bed long enough for me to convert it.
Then, as soon as the job was done, she didn't want to get off of her bed!
We went and bought her a new "big" blanket for her new "big girl" bed, as if we needed the bed to be more exciting. But since we made the switch 2 nights ago, I haven't had any trouble putting Bella down for either a nap or for bed!
So, now that this "big-girl" bed thing is a done deal, I decided to make it fun with a new girly look for her room :)
Here's Bella's new favorite place to be:
Playing in her, forever.
Don't worry... the body pillow is for the floor while she's sleeping...just in case she falls off.
A gift for Bella from my cousin Jennifer. (mommy of the pretty baby in all the pictures on my last post) Thanks Jenn!