1. Eating solid food. We started trying to give solids at just over 6 months, but it's taken a little bit to figure out how to do it this time around. So I'll say he officially started at about 7 months. His first food was squash. I'm not sure Isaiah knew what was coming.
But after a while, he got the hang of it. Now we've had squash, pears, sweet potatoes. We've attempted peas, but his belly didn't like them...and we've tried oatmeal, but at this point he's gagging on it - and this kid has a pretty strong gag reflex, I've learned. not good. But now he's at a point that he sees the jar and gets excited - and sees eating solids as actual food. Sometimes I wonder if he likes it better than milk...we will see.
2. Isaiah started rolling back to tummy at about 6.5 months. It's like one day he was kinda working on it, and the next day he had it. End of story.
Now, he's rolling all over the living room, turning himself in circles on his tummy, and getting stuck everywhere. He's been trying to scoot and push off with his knees a bit, and will push up on his hands, but he hasn't figured out how to put the two together. He's definitely wanting to move around a lot more than the other two did, and IS moving more than the other two were at this point. I've never had a baby use rolling as a mode of transportation before...until now. We'll see when he starts crawling. I'm betting on 9 months to the day like the others...but he could surprise me.
Now, he's rolling all over the living room, turning himself in circles on his tummy, and getting stuck everywhere. He's been trying to scoot and push off with his knees a bit, and will push up on his hands, but he hasn't figured out how to put the two together. He's definitely wanting to move around a lot more than the other two did, and IS moving more than the other two were at this point. I've never had a baby use rolling as a mode of transportation before...until now. We'll see when he starts crawling. I'm betting on 9 months to the day like the others...but he could surprise me.
3. Another physical milestone: Sitting alone. It took me a while to figure out if Isaiah really could sit on his own. He's so active that he would constantly move around - throw himself back, or reach for something and do a face-plant - he just wouldn't stay still enough to be able to improve his balance. Even in the Bumbo seat, he would be trying to reach for something on the floor next to him, so he'd eventually get really twisted up and kinda hanging out of the thing. But I finally figured out what to do: put something in front of him that can't move! And lo and behold - the kid could sit up on his own so long as he was occupied!

Here he is playing with Balian. I took the top off of an activity table and put it on the floor - and he's loved it!
Along with being able to sit up, comes a lot more fun. Isaiah got to try out the toddler swing for the first time.
(this picture was taken by Bella, by the way.)
Today he even experienced a Chick-fil-A high chair for the first time. Both made possible because of a little genius contraption by Ikea that wraps around his body to support just a bit when the thing he's sitting in is kinda big. Fabulous. And I bought it for less than I could make it for...like $4. Another reason I love Ikea. :)
We also had our first "Fall" day!! It has been fabulous weather the past couple of days, and we are taking advantage of it by playing outside as much as possible!
Other than milestones and all kinds of firsts, this little man is such pure joy! His smile is absolutely contagious, he's extremely ticklish, and his laugh is fabulous. He LOVES his brother and sister, seems to put up with everything the two of them pull on him, and just seems to be a pretty stinkin' adaptable kid. I've heard that's pretty normal with a third child. They learn to be adaptable because of having to tote around or cater to the older two kids. Whatever the case, he's a great baby.
I love this age too! I just wish I could slow everything down. Time seems to be going by so much more quickly this time. Perhaps it's because of being focused on the other two kids as well. Or maybe I just want to keep Isaiah little so that I can take it all in and treasure every moment, since he most likely will be my last baby. I just love this little guy. God is good and has blessed us to overflowing!