I feel like I've been challenged a lot lately. No; stop; let me re-phrase that. I have been REALLY challenged by A LOT of different things.
1. I've been challenged by something that has always seemed to be a mystery to me, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and I have been earnestly seeking out what Scripture says, rather than man. What is the difference between being baptized by the Holy Spirit - and how is that different than being filled with the Holy Spirit? When does this Baptism take place? When does the filling take place? Is it something that happens separate from salvation, or does it happen at the same time? Why, when I read scripture, does Paul talk about it happening when we receive Christ - being sealed with the Holy Spirit - yet in Acts, there are times that it's an entirely separate thing? Why are there so many different/conflicting opinions about all of this?
But just like scripture says, we will find Him when we seek him with all of our heart. He has clarified that whole thing to me, which has been (for real) something I have been wrestling with for years. About 4 or 5 years actually. The wrestling came to it's highest point this summer - probably so that I was good and ready for His answer that I received this Fall. Praise the Lord! If I have learned anything from this it is that you really CAN NOT take one (or sometimes even several) passages of scripture and turn a narrative into something that is normative. You HAVE to take ALL of scripture as a whole...and see what it is that God was really doing/saying. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing/grasping the BIG picture...and that's when it gets scary - because that's when I start to see "contradictions" that really aren't contradictions at all. (if you're interested in what I found - I'll be more than happy to share.)
2. I've been challenged by the overwhelming amount of idols in my life. My BSF leader was talking about how believers in Africa will go out of their homes and walk to a garden or other specified area to pray every day. After a while, the person will wear a path on the way to their prayer place. But if a person stopped going to their prayer place to meet with God, their path would naturally start growing grass back where it was once worn. As a form of rebuke between believers, one believer may say to another "Is grass growing on your path?"
Then she posed the question "Is there grass growing in YOUR path?" And the other question was "And where are you going so much that you are wearing a path down?" In other words, am I wearing a path to my computer? to my TV? to my hobbies? even to church - but letting grass grow on my path that leads me to time alone with the Lord? Am I seeking the Lord above all else, or am I seeking everything else above the Lord?
Idols are everywhere and can take the form of anything. Anything that takes our eyes off of the One who gives abundant life.
I've been slapped in the face with a few of these over the past couple of months - and when I've given things up, I've seen just how much of a hold on me they have had. It's kinda scary, really. Just an example: I gave up Facebook and Blogging for a while - and I realized just how much I was caring about other's acceptance/approval and opinions about me. umm...ridiculous! I never really thought I cared... I also realized what I was really doing - avoiding my Lord. And for the first week - it was scary just how much I thought about getting on the computer. seriously? I really had no idea how much it affected me. But as time went on, and I spent more time with Jesus, and more time doing things that really mattered, the less I cared about it. Amazing. Kinda like the book "You Are Special" by Max Lucado.
3. I've been kicked in the gut about the true cost of discipleship. Neil and I are reading a book called "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He definitely doesn't pull any punches, walk around on eggshells, or do anything else cliche'. I'll post on this one later, but let me just say this: we try to read between the lines in our Bibles so much that we more times than not convince ourselves that Jesus is saying something entirely different than what he actually said. Neil and I have been challenged for 2 years now about that - and we have been seeking out what being a disciple should REALLY look like. The more we read Scripture, the more unsettled we become about our part in the American Church - and how it doesn't seem to line up with Scripture. We are willing to change, but lack vision and wisdom, I suppose...as well as a definite calling. We are seeking that out, and this is one of the ways that the Lord is showing us the very delicate balance between living in America and being a disciple of Jesus...so that we aren't vomited out of Jesus' mouth when we finish up our time on earth. But sometimes it just feels like a dagger in the gut to NOT ride the fence. Dying to self. Discipleship. It isn't as easy as our pastors make it sound. It costs us everything.
On that note - Have a great day! :)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Mainstay Farm
We headed out somewhere close to the middle of nowhere - about 45 minutes away from us - to Mainstay Farm. What a fabulous way to welcome Fall! It was a beautiful day. Although the temperature was up in the 80's, we had a nice cool breeze...and I got a bit of a sunburn...in October. Is that possible?
(oh, and we actually remembered the good camera...even remembered to charge the battery...but the battery was left at home on the computer desk. oh no! so, you'll have to excuse my non-iphone camera capabilities with these pictures.)
The kids had a lot of fun. They jumped on the jumping "pillow":
Played on the slides and playhouse:
Drove some pedal-carts:
Bella got her face painted:
And of course, we got some pumpkins.
We didn't have time for everything (like a hay-ride), but we had a lot of fun. It was definitely a Saturday well-spent with the family. Going back next year is a must!
Where was Isaiah through all of this?
Yes...he's asleep on my back. This is the most incredible wrap technique I have found yet. Isaiah took a nice 2-hour nap like this! Even better - I had my hands free to help with the other two kids, and it didn't hurt my shoulders or back like crazy. I didn't feel like I needed to re-adjust him and I didn't feel like I just "couldn't take it anymore" at any time...for 2 hours...while he was sleeping...in and out of sun and shade and walking around everywhere, going uphill and downhill, etc. seriously amazing. want to learn how I did it? Go to http://www.wrapyourbaby.com/ and check out the link for back carries - there are some videos that show how to do it. I used my Moby wrap this time around (with much help from Neil), but I think I'd rather have a non-stetchy wrap. I've never really "gotten" the Moby wrap - it's never really felt tight enough or secure enough to go hands-free. Perhaps it's more in the technique. The moby worked fine...but it's too long for this purpose...I had to wrap it around my body a time or two with the extra fabric just to keep it out of the way. Anyway, if you like to wear your baby, you should check this out. Seriously great!
(oh, and we actually remembered the good camera...even remembered to charge the battery...but the battery was left at home on the computer desk. oh no! so, you'll have to excuse my non-iphone camera capabilities with these pictures.)
The kids had a lot of fun. They jumped on the jumping "pillow":
Played on the slides and playhouse:
Drove some pedal-carts:
Bella got her face painted:
And of course, we got some pumpkins.
We didn't have time for everything (like a hay-ride), but we had a lot of fun. It was definitely a Saturday well-spent with the family. Going back next year is a must!
Where was Isaiah through all of this?
Yes...he's asleep on my back. This is the most incredible wrap technique I have found yet. Isaiah took a nice 2-hour nap like this! Even better - I had my hands free to help with the other two kids, and it didn't hurt my shoulders or back like crazy. I didn't feel like I needed to re-adjust him and I didn't feel like I just "couldn't take it anymore" at any time...for 2 hours...while he was sleeping...in and out of sun and shade and walking around everywhere, going uphill and downhill, etc. seriously amazing. want to learn how I did it? Go to http://www.wrapyourbaby.com/ and check out the link for back carries - there are some videos that show how to do it. I used my Moby wrap this time around (with much help from Neil), but I think I'd rather have a non-stetchy wrap. I've never really "gotten" the Moby wrap - it's never really felt tight enough or secure enough to go hands-free. Perhaps it's more in the technique. The moby worked fine...but it's too long for this purpose...I had to wrap it around my body a time or two with the extra fabric just to keep it out of the way. Anyway, if you like to wear your baby, you should check this out. Seriously great!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Isaiah - 7 months
Well, at 7 months, Isaiah is experiencing a lot of firsts.

1. Eating solid food. We started trying to give solids at just over 6 months, but it's taken a little bit to figure out how to do it this time around. So I'll say he officially started at about 7 months. His first food was squash. I'm not sure Isaiah knew what was coming.
But after a while, he got the hang of it. Now we've had squash, pears, sweet potatoes. We've attempted peas, but his belly didn't like them...and we've tried oatmeal, but at this point he's gagging on it - and this kid has a pretty strong gag reflex, I've learned. not good. But now he's at a point that he sees the jar and gets excited - and sees eating solids as actual food. Sometimes I wonder if he likes it better than milk...we will see.
2. Isaiah started rolling back to tummy at about 6.5 months. It's like one day he was kinda working on it, and the next day he had it. End of story.
Now, he's rolling all over the living room, turning himself in circles on his tummy, and getting stuck everywhere. He's been trying to scoot and push off with his knees a bit, and will push up on his hands, but he hasn't figured out how to put the two together. He's definitely wanting to move around a lot more than the other two did, and IS moving more than the other two were at this point. I've never had a baby use rolling as a mode of transportation before...until now. We'll see when he starts crawling. I'm betting on 9 months to the day like the others...but he could surprise me.
Now, he's rolling all over the living room, turning himself in circles on his tummy, and getting stuck everywhere. He's been trying to scoot and push off with his knees a bit, and will push up on his hands, but he hasn't figured out how to put the two together. He's definitely wanting to move around a lot more than the other two did, and IS moving more than the other two were at this point. I've never had a baby use rolling as a mode of transportation before...until now. We'll see when he starts crawling. I'm betting on 9 months to the day like the others...but he could surprise me.
3. Another physical milestone: Sitting alone. It took me a while to figure out if Isaiah really could sit on his own. He's so active that he would constantly move around - throw himself back, or reach for something and do a face-plant - he just wouldn't stay still enough to be able to improve his balance. Even in the Bumbo seat, he would be trying to reach for something on the floor next to him, so he'd eventually get really twisted up and kinda hanging out of the thing. But I finally figured out what to do: put something in front of him that can't move! And lo and behold - the kid could sit up on his own so long as he was occupied!

Here he is playing with Balian. I took the top off of an activity table and put it on the floor - and he's loved it!
Along with being able to sit up, comes a lot more fun. Isaiah got to try out the toddler swing for the first time.
(this picture was taken by Bella, by the way.)
Today he even experienced a Chick-fil-A high chair for the first time. Both made possible because of a little genius contraption by Ikea that wraps around his body to support just a bit when the thing he's sitting in is kinda big. Fabulous. And I bought it for less than I could make it for...like $4. Another reason I love Ikea. :)
We also had our first "Fall" day!! It has been fabulous weather the past couple of days, and we are taking advantage of it by playing outside as much as possible!
Other than milestones and all kinds of firsts, this little man is such pure joy! His smile is absolutely contagious, he's extremely ticklish, and his laugh is fabulous. He LOVES his brother and sister, seems to put up with everything the two of them pull on him, and just seems to be a pretty stinkin' adaptable kid. I've heard that's pretty normal with a third child. They learn to be adaptable because of having to tote around or cater to the older two kids. Whatever the case, he's a great baby.
I love this age too! I just wish I could slow everything down. Time seems to be going by so much more quickly this time. Perhaps it's because of being focused on the other two kids as well. Or maybe I just want to keep Isaiah little so that I can take it all in and treasure every moment, since he most likely will be my last baby. I just love this little guy. God is good and has blessed us to overflowing!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
2 Years
I have to say that I absolutely LOVE this age! Most people may think I'm crazy. Yes, there are definitely some "2" kind of moments... like saying "Balian, come here please" and you look up and he's got a big grin on his face while he runs away from you. lovely. Or you ask him to do something and he either flat-out says no, or uses the slightly kinder version of the same thing. "I don't want to."
But despite those areas of disobedience that need help, I really love this age. Kids are just a sponge at this age - learning and absorbing SO much. Balian is definitely no exception.
His vocabulary is definitely improving everyday. It's like everyday he says something new or figures out how to say something correctly - or at least more correct. As vocabulary expands the fun really begins! I begin to see the fruit of my labors. Before kids talk, you teach them things and you have no idea if they understand a lick of what you're saying. I have always been in the mindset of talking to my kids as if they can understand everything perfectly from the beginning. And when they start talking, I just love how they start spewing out everything you have been teaching them. Because Balian has been right there during school time with Bella, he's learning a TON of stuff!!
He is now counting to 10 - and is recognizing a lot of those numbers. If he's counting and stops and gets messed up or something, I can show him a number flashcard, and he recognizes it and gets back on track. Pretty crazy.
He's continuing to do well with his letter sounds. The same rule applies here as with the numbers. He tends to do better if he sees the letter, rather than just asking him what a certain letter says. Perhaps he's like me and is more of a visual learner vs. an auditory learner. At times, Bella will have a brain glitch and forget a letter sound...and I'll say "Hey Balian, can you tell Bella what Y says?" and he says the sound. Now, he's starting to spit out the letter names too. (And LOVES to sing his alphabet song - what he can say of it anyway) This is good and bad. Good, because it's good for him to know them. Bad, because he's starting to get confused between the name and the sound. I'm confident he'll get it all worked out - especially as he's listening and participating in school time with Bella this year.

He's doing well with sorting as well. When he's working on his lacing beads - he will tend to choose one shape of beads and lace all of the ones of that shape. I noticed this the other day and thought it was really neat...so now, we'll be working more on that.

Aside from school, Balian LOVES music. He loves to sing, and he's started trying to sing and "play piano" at the same time. His BSF teacher noticed how much he was enjoying the music/worship time in class. Just like his mama, he seems to always have a song in his head. Jesus love me, the B-I-B-L-E, Jesus loves the little children, All through the night, All things bright and beautiful, twinkle twinkle little star, the itsy bitsy spider...the list could go on and on of songs that he sings all the time. Right now his favorite is from VeggiTales (we listen to a CD in the car from Chick-fil-A) "When I share, I get my share of friends. Dodododo...yeah!" ha.
Balian is also our funny-man. He's always finding some way to make Neil and I laugh - or hide from us or Bella so that when we walk by he can say "Boo!" He is a really happy kid. The only things that get in the way of that happiness are discipline and food. He's our foodie too. He LOVES to eat! If you've got something, he wants some too. It doesn't matter if he just had a full meal that was more than an average kid his age eats... seriously high metabolism, I guess...because he's definitely not fat! He must be like his daddy.
The other thing about Balian is his love for everyone. He is so loving and caring toward everyone. He is definitely a man's man. He is much more apt to go to an adult male than female. Whether it's Poppie or PopPop, or the men at church, or Mr. Charles next door, or an older man at the grocery store. He will go to/ say hi to/ask to be picked up by...men.
And of course, he loves his siblings to pieces. Somehow he can get SO mad at Bella (because she's pestering him, as usual), yet never tire of playing with her. a 5 minute break is all he needs if they really get into it. And with Isaiah - yes, I have to tell him not to sit on his brother : / but other than that, he just loves to go up to him and give him hugs and kisses and laugh with him. And the love is definitely reciprocated. I hope so much that they continue to be close as time goes on.
So that's the scoop on Balian. There are times that I think I can't believe he's 2...then I think gosh - he's only 2? But really, I don't care about the age. I love him to pieces. And I just love watching him learn, explore, and grow.
Friday, October 14, 2011
The Party
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The front of the Invitation |
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Silly Bella. Balloons don't go on your thumbs! |
Although Balian's birthday was September 15, we had his party on the 24th. It was nice. We got to kick back, relax, and just enjoy friends and family...oh, and celebrate Balian's birthday as well.

We hung out in the backyard, let the kids play, ate burritos, and watched Balian open his gifts of all things CAR :)
We even ate a car. I mean cake.
And unlike Bella, Balian wasn't afraid - He's got the whole blowing out candles thing down. He's a pro.
And aren't his dimples adorable when he's blowing out candles. I think so :)
Happy Birthday, Balian!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I'm Back...Now to update like mad...
So what have we been up to?
BSF started back up for the year
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) started in September. I love BSF because it really encourages me to get into the Word. It's also so good for the kids. When Balian hears the word "Bible" he now says "Twoo Wud", because he is learning that the Bible is God's True Word. Today he brought me a bible, and I said "Balian, do you have a Bible?" He nodded yes and said "Twoo Wud." I said "Yes, it is God's True Word. What are you reading about?" Without hesitation he said "Jesus...on cross." I love it! (Of course, I know this is more than just BSF - I just love to see them soaking in everything. It's such an important time for teaching and molding!)
I'm really at this wrestling point right now. Just wrestling with God's Word about something specific...that just so happened to be what we studied the very first lesson of BSF (coincidence? Not likely...) However, my wrestling wasn't finished after studying that lesson...and although it caused me to dig even deeper in God's Word for the Truth, it caused me to get frustrated with the BSF study, because the conclusion that they came to for the answer didn't line up with what I was seeing in scripture. I know this is totally ok, because well...I'm still wrestling. I've never been one to take man's word for it. I've always been the student that sunday school teachers hate to have. I ask a million questions - ask Why? and Where do you find that? over and over... Because of this, I'm confident that I will continue to learn a lot this year, even if it is simply because the BSF study causes me to dig deeper into the Word - which is always a good thing. In the meantime, I'm still wrestling :)
We started a new home school curriculum with Bella
As I was doing my own thing with Bella during the summer, and as I was gearing up for what I was going to do with her this year for school, I was realizing more and more how ahead she was with her academics. Up to this point, I've just been going at her pace - challenging her with something new once she had a concept down. I started looking at some math games, etc. at a Teacher Aids store and was looking at all the Pre-K stuff and saying "seriously...Bella is way beyond this." Even with some Kindergarten stuff, it seemed really easy. So then I started looking up what a kid needs to know before and after Kindergarten, and I realized that she is definitely ready academically for Kindergarten...if not something more advanced. I decided to go with Kindergarten, mainly because I didn't want to push her too hard - I wanted to make sure it was fun for her, but not too easy as well. So I started looking at curricula, and decided on My Father's World. Some stuff still seems a bit easy for her, but I like the way the curriculum is set up, and it just seemed like a logical flow with good activities, and everything kinda spelled out for me (definitely a good thing). It doesn't take all that long to do, so there's time left to do other activities with her that I want to do...and I'm able to easily incorporate the curriculum into our "circle time" and all that. So far I really like it, and I'm able to include Balian in a lot of our activities as well, which is always a plus :)
I got Salmonella...or at least something like it
As everybody was leaving our house after celebrating Balian's birthday, I started feeling really bad. A couple days later, still not totally over this stuff, we hear about the Listeria outbreak. Nope, hadn't had any cantaloupe, but the symptoms were pretty much exactly the same. They also seemed just like the symptoms that Bella had when she had Salmonella when she was like 15 months old. Two words. Not. Cool. Amazingly enough, I was able to stay hydrated enough that I was able to continue breastfeeding throughout being sick. On my worst day, Neil would bring me Isaiah to feed him, and when I was done feeding him, I would just give him right back, roll over, and go back to sleep. I know that it's pretty much impossible to go throughout life without being exposed to something like this. Our immune systems can handle a lot. My immune system just must have been down for some reason. I'm always SUPER careful when I cook - I separate contaminated stuff from the stuff that isn't - I wash my hands about a million times - I wipe down counters like crazy - you name it. Just a fluke thing. Took about a week to get over, and probably another week to really be back to normal. Not exactly the best way to lose those last 5 lbs. of pregnancy weight, but oh, well...
I've been trying to use my time more wisely
Do you ever have those realizations of how much time you're wasting doing something that ultimately doesn't matter? That was me. I mean really...I say I don't have time to get such-and-such done...but then I'm wasting time on Facebook? It was really much worse than even that. There's so much more than the time factor as well. Looking for others' approval. Spending more time online than in the Word. I just really felt convicted about a LOT. So that's why I took a break. It was much needed. Good time with Jesus. Lots of time devoted to other things I had been neglecting. I'm praying what I have learned continues to guide my actions and my thoughts.
Balian turned 2 and Isaiah is 7 months...keep your eye out for more on these later! :)
BSF started back up for the year
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) started in September. I love BSF because it really encourages me to get into the Word. It's also so good for the kids. When Balian hears the word "Bible" he now says "Twoo Wud", because he is learning that the Bible is God's True Word. Today he brought me a bible, and I said "Balian, do you have a Bible?" He nodded yes and said "Twoo Wud." I said "Yes, it is God's True Word. What are you reading about?" Without hesitation he said "Jesus...on cross." I love it! (Of course, I know this is more than just BSF - I just love to see them soaking in everything. It's such an important time for teaching and molding!)
I'm really at this wrestling point right now. Just wrestling with God's Word about something specific...that just so happened to be what we studied the very first lesson of BSF (coincidence? Not likely...) However, my wrestling wasn't finished after studying that lesson...and although it caused me to dig even deeper in God's Word for the Truth, it caused me to get frustrated with the BSF study, because the conclusion that they came to for the answer didn't line up with what I was seeing in scripture. I know this is totally ok, because well...I'm still wrestling. I've never been one to take man's word for it. I've always been the student that sunday school teachers hate to have. I ask a million questions - ask Why? and Where do you find that? over and over... Because of this, I'm confident that I will continue to learn a lot this year, even if it is simply because the BSF study causes me to dig deeper into the Word - which is always a good thing. In the meantime, I'm still wrestling :)
We started a new home school curriculum with Bella
As I was doing my own thing with Bella during the summer, and as I was gearing up for what I was going to do with her this year for school, I was realizing more and more how ahead she was with her academics. Up to this point, I've just been going at her pace - challenging her with something new once she had a concept down. I started looking at some math games, etc. at a Teacher Aids store and was looking at all the Pre-K stuff and saying "seriously...Bella is way beyond this." Even with some Kindergarten stuff, it seemed really easy. So then I started looking up what a kid needs to know before and after Kindergarten, and I realized that she is definitely ready academically for Kindergarten...if not something more advanced. I decided to go with Kindergarten, mainly because I didn't want to push her too hard - I wanted to make sure it was fun for her, but not too easy as well. So I started looking at curricula, and decided on My Father's World. Some stuff still seems a bit easy for her, but I like the way the curriculum is set up, and it just seemed like a logical flow with good activities, and everything kinda spelled out for me (definitely a good thing). It doesn't take all that long to do, so there's time left to do other activities with her that I want to do...and I'm able to easily incorporate the curriculum into our "circle time" and all that. So far I really like it, and I'm able to include Balian in a lot of our activities as well, which is always a plus :)
I got Salmonella...or at least something like it
As everybody was leaving our house after celebrating Balian's birthday, I started feeling really bad. A couple days later, still not totally over this stuff, we hear about the Listeria outbreak. Nope, hadn't had any cantaloupe, but the symptoms were pretty much exactly the same. They also seemed just like the symptoms that Bella had when she had Salmonella when she was like 15 months old. Two words. Not. Cool. Amazingly enough, I was able to stay hydrated enough that I was able to continue breastfeeding throughout being sick. On my worst day, Neil would bring me Isaiah to feed him, and when I was done feeding him, I would just give him right back, roll over, and go back to sleep. I know that it's pretty much impossible to go throughout life without being exposed to something like this. Our immune systems can handle a lot. My immune system just must have been down for some reason. I'm always SUPER careful when I cook - I separate contaminated stuff from the stuff that isn't - I wash my hands about a million times - I wipe down counters like crazy - you name it. Just a fluke thing. Took about a week to get over, and probably another week to really be back to normal. Not exactly the best way to lose those last 5 lbs. of pregnancy weight, but oh, well...
I've been trying to use my time more wisely
Do you ever have those realizations of how much time you're wasting doing something that ultimately doesn't matter? That was me. I mean really...I say I don't have time to get such-and-such done...but then I'm wasting time on Facebook? It was really much worse than even that. There's so much more than the time factor as well. Looking for others' approval. Spending more time online than in the Word. I just really felt convicted about a LOT. So that's why I took a break. It was much needed. Good time with Jesus. Lots of time devoted to other things I had been neglecting. I'm praying what I have learned continues to guide my actions and my thoughts.
Balian turned 2 and Isaiah is 7 months...keep your eye out for more on these later! :)
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