For the fitted diapers/ inside of AIO diapers, we have 100% organic cotton fleece in Natural. The good thing is that unlike most "natural" cotton cloth diapers you get, this fabric comes pre-scoured (de-gummed/oiled), so you don't have to wash it 5+ times to get it ready for use. I'll wash it once before I cut diapers out of it, so really, after they're made, the diapers won't HAVE to be pre-washed at all - unless you just want to wash them.

I can do 2 layers of PUL for a cover, or I can do one layer of PUL on the inside, and cute cotton prints on the outside:
Chocolate dots, 123s, Multi-dots, and Flowers
What you can get:
Fitted diapers (snaps and thread match - based on size)
Covers - either 2 layers of PUL or PUL on the inside and cotton print on the outside.
AIO diapers (fitted diaper and cover are all-in-one piece) I can do side-snap or front snap.
NB (up to 10 lbs.), M (10-20 lbs.), and L (20-30 or so lbs)
Also, I can do one-size, which is essentially the size L with lots of adjustments to make it fit from NB+ - but like all one-size diapers, they won't fit AS well as the sizes - and the smaller the baby is, the more bulky they will be because of the extra fabric that wouldn't be on the smaller sizes.
I haven't set up my Etsy shop yet. My thought was to make a bunch of stuff, then set up shop and sell it. But, I've already had some people (friends) put in some orders that I'll be working on.
Also, I've had some people just donate money toward what I'm doing, and because of this, I'll be sending some diapers to Romania in about a week! I found out about this opportunity only a week ago, so I won't be able to do as much as I would like, but I'll be sending some...and maybe I can send more to the same place as time goes on.
Anyway, I'm excited! Now, to sew like mad...