This was our 4th year to not have gifts under the tree on Christmas morning.
I guess it's kinda complicated to explain to those that don't understand.
No Stockings. No exchanging gifts. No Christmas tree. Definitely no Santa.
For me, it means replacing stress with peace, which is so difficult to look around and see this time of year. We sing songs of Joy, but are we stopping to experience that Joy? We sing songs of Peace, but are we resting in the Peace which passes all understanding - and focusing on Him alone?
It means that my focus changes. Instead of giving to those that already have too much, I'm giving to those that do without. And this means I'm exchanging gifts with the One who should really be getting the gifts anyway.
He Alone is the reason that we celebrate.
This year, I kept my mouth closed, and I listened. I asked people how they were doing.
"I'm doing good, but I just have so much shopping left to do. I was hoping that I would be done by now so that I could just enjoy the rest of December."
I had to sit back and praise God. I was listening to so many people tell me how stressed out they were, and I was just so thankful. Thankful that instead of all of the stress, I got to sit back, relax, and enjoy my Savior...and teach my children to do the same.
My prayer this month was that others may experience what I have been experiencing.
Love. Joy. Peace.
no strings attached.
yes, even at Christmas. Especially at Christmas.
Throughout December we did the Jesse Tree - reading scriptures that told the story of God's Redemption of his people - through the prophesies and the lineage of Christ.
Bella loved figuring out which symbol ornament went with the scriptures we read.
Balian loved turning on the lights of the tree, getting the box of ornaments out, and stacking the ornaments to make towers.
But even in the midst of making towers, the kids were learning. When Balian was praying one night he mentioned something about Adam and Eve. I couldn't make out everything, but at least he was catching on to something. And he was getting so excited about putting baby Jesus on the tree...Christmas Eve it was like he just couldn't stand the anticipation. The mention of the name Jesus, and he was running to the box to get the baby Jesus ornament out. He was excited.
To Celebrate St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 6), I asked Bella if she could help me go through her toys to see if there were any toys that she didn't play with anymore, or that she simply didn't want. I explained that there are some little boys and girls that don't have very many (if any) toys to play with - and that she has a LOT of toys. God wants us to share what we have with others that don't have as much. My daughter has such a giving heart! I think she would have given away ALL of her toys if I hadn't told her she couldn't! After going through them all, the toys we decided to part with went under the Jesse Tree - our gifts to Jesus - by giving to those that don't have as much. (we donated them later.)
We also watched the Veggie-tales video about St. Nicholas. It's actually very good, and I have to admit that I had to keep myself from crying at the end of it a couple of times...
We talked about Jesus' birthday all month long. Bella dressed up, put veils on her head, and acted out the story of Christmas, while pretending to be Mary - using her baby dolls for baby Jesus.
Bella never referred to December 25 as Christmas. It was always "Jesus' Birthday."
We did talk about Santa, and how he (gasp!) isn't real. Some people think that he is real, but he isn't. He is pretend - just like Rapunzel. A story. And although there are books, toys, movies, and games all about both Santa and Rapunzel, they are both pretend. Not the truth.
Jesus is the Truth. Jesus is why we have Christmas. It's His Birthday - just like we all have a birthday.
We talked about gifts. We get presents on our birthday. We give presents to people on their birthdays - because we are happy that they are alive so that we can love them. That is their special day. Would Bella like it if on her birthday everybody gave Balian presents? I wonder if Jesus feels the same way...
In the midst of all of this, Neil and I prayed, as we always do, about what gift our family could give Jesus for His birthday this year. How did he want us to serve him - to be his hands and feet?
And he led us right to where he wanted us to be. A place we probably never would have gone otherwise. I remember getting off of the phone after figuring everything out, and tears were running down my face as I was talking to Neil about the opportunity that God had given us. I was beyond words. In the midst of giving, Jesus was giving to us - filling our hearts to overflowing. And as we experience this pouring out, we're getting addicted to it. We want more. We want to do more. We want to give more.
And we do.
No it shouldn't (and doesn't) just happen at Christmas. But there is something thirst-quenching about giving to the Lord on His day. Bringing our gifts, and bowing down before the King - presenting them to Him in a posture of Worship. Like the Wise Men did so long ago, we give gifts to the One who deserves the Praise.
We celebrated Him.
We were Blessed to have my brother, Brandon, with us this year for our Jesus Celebration. It was so good to spend time with him. catch up. Talk about the Lord like we never have before. The change that I've seen in him - the way he's growing in the Lord. My heart is full of Joy. I'm overflowing. Thank you, Jesus.
We made and decorated a Birthday cake, and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.
We watched St. Nicholas...again...
We watched St. Nicholas...again...
We did a scavenger hunt - searching for baby Jesus. We used Scripture, and did activities, and with each step understood more about God's love story. At the end of our journey, we found baby Jesus, wrapped in strips of cloth - in a stable, with the animals. So unfitting for my King.
Bella and Balian took turns holding baby Jesus, and were so, so gentle.
The wonder of Christmas, for me, no longer lies in children's faces as they see a big Christmas tree or see what Santa brought them on Christmas morning.
The wonder of Christmas lies in children's faces as they come one step closer to knowing their Savior.
We read the Christmas story again, from Luke, Chapter 2, and we FINALLY put our baby Jesus ornament on the top of the Jesse Tree.
We read the Christmas story again, from Luke, Chapter 2, and we FINALLY put our baby Jesus ornament on the top of the Jesse Tree.
Joy to the world!
The Lord has come!
Let Earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare him room!
Let Heaven and nature sing!!!
Happy Birthday, Jesus! We give you all the Glory!!