Birthday: September 15, 2009
Age: 7 1/2 months
Height: 28.5 inches??
Weight: 20 lbs.
Hair: Brown and straight. It's getting lighter and the bald spot on the back of my head is filling in. It's getting course too. Still a chance it could be curly? We'll see.
Eyes: Blue. Mommy's the odd man out now. Daddy, Bella, and I all have blue eyes.
Do What?
I can roll over back to tummy.
I'm re-learning how to roll over tummy to back. I like to do push-ups so much that my arms just keep getting in my way!
I do baby push-ups and I'm trying to get on my knees a bit, but when I try, I end up just pushing myself I'm doing this backward scoot thing...just like mommy says that Bella did.
I sit up on my own fabulously. Just put me down and I'm good to go. No falling at all...even for like an hour!
I eat oatmeal, pears, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes. Mommy has had to start me out slowly because my tummy gets upset easily. So I get a new food every 7-10 days. Tomorrow I get to try bananas!

I'm very vocal. I babble ALL the time. I can click my tongue. I like to sing. and I like to squeal in delight - a lot.
I just started doing the baby booty dance. Sitting down, standing up, whatever. I rock it out!
A Few of My Favorite Things:
I especially like my feet right now. I like to eat them any chance I get. If there's socks in the way, I like to pull them off and eat them first...then get to the dessert - the toes!

I like anything on mommy - mommy's necklace, any earrings she's wearing, and especially her hair. I like to grab it all and eat it whenever I can. Yes, even hair - but that one's a rare treat - mommy hardly ever wears her hair down enough for me to really get a hold of it :(
My favorite book is "What Shall We Do With the Boo-hoo Baby?" When given a choice between two books, I always choose this one. always.
I don't really have a favorite food. I just like food. All food. YUM!
My favorite toys are the big house that I share with Bella, my monkey blanket with my name and 4 teethers on it, and any ball I can find.
Hearing mommy sing. I smile really big, laugh, and I try to sing along.
Doing anything with Daddy.
Playing Peek-a-boo with Bella.