Balian smiled for us on November 1 - two days before we left Georgia :)

Here we are outside of our house in Georgia, just before leaving it

While we were in Louisiana, Bella and Balian were able to see their very first snow (yes, Bella is 2.5 and had never seen snow...sleet, yes...but not snow)
This was when it started snowing.
And this is what was made the morning after... (however, when Balian was put next to the snowman, he was bigger...keep that in mind. still fun though!)
Bella enjoying the snow - she didn't want to go back inside!

Balian bundled up to see the snow - only this time, no flinching from snowflakes landing on his nose and eye-lashes.

This is what we saw coming into Granbury as a family. Welcome to Texas :)

And I was finally able to take some pictures of the kids the other day, because it was beautiful outside!!
Beautiful Bella...

And here's Balian (now 14 weeks) - check out the cheeks!!

And Big News: Balian Rolled over for real on Monday!! He was hating tummy time, so I started putting him on a pillow for tummy time on Saturday - and he loved it...and started rolling off of it - so Monday, I put him on the floor to see if he could do it totally on his own, and he did! He's done it a lot since then - so much fun!