ok, so we took our first trip to the hospital...and got sent home! :(
About 12am, I woke up because I was hurting. After changing positions, and timing for a while, I called the doctor.
contractions were 5 min. apart, and position change didn't change anything. It was the same whether I was sitting, standing, or lying on my left side. I felt them low and in my back...and my pain level was at about a 5-6 at the height of the contractions. All the ingredients for labor, right?
Doc said to come in, especially given my risk for precipitous labor.
Once at the hospital, the contractions started getting worse. 2.5-3 minutes apart, and were getting harder too - definitely about a 6 in pain. I wouldn't give it any more than that though, because labor with Bella was insane as far as pain goes...and that's what I'm comparing it to.
the nurse checked me, and I was "definitely a 2" but I hadn't effaced any more since my appointment Tuesday. They didn't let me go right away, given the circumstances and risks, so we stayed there for an hour, and after no progression after that hour (even though contractions continued), they sent me home.
Yes, I'd rather be safe than sorry...I'd rather be at the hospital with contractions that aren't doing anything than be at home having a baby because I didn't make it in time...
It's still just frustrating though.
Hopefully, the next time we go to the hospital, it's the real deal.
Who knows when that will be...