ok, so we took our first trip to the hospital...and got sent home! :(
About 12am, I woke up because I was hurting. After changing positions, and timing for a while, I called the doctor.
contractions were 5 min. apart, and position change didn't change anything. It was the same whether I was sitting, standing, or lying on my left side. I felt them low and in my back...and my pain level was at about a 5-6 at the height of the contractions. All the ingredients for labor, right?
Doc said to come in, especially given my risk for precipitous labor.
Once at the hospital, the contractions started getting worse. 2.5-3 minutes apart, and were getting harder too - definitely about a 6 in pain. I wouldn't give it any more than that though, because labor with Bella was insane as far as pain goes...and that's what I'm comparing it to.
the nurse checked me, and I was "definitely a 2" but I hadn't effaced any more since my appointment Tuesday. They didn't let me go right away, given the circumstances and risks, so we stayed there for an hour, and after no progression after that hour (even though contractions continued), they sent me home.
Yes, I'd rather be safe than sorry...I'd rather be at the hospital with contractions that aren't doing anything than be at home having a baby because I didn't make it in time...
It's still just frustrating though.
Hopefully, the next time we go to the hospital, it's the real deal.
Who knows when that will be...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Diapers, etc.
So a while back I mentioned that I was making a bunch of diapers, etc. for our new little one. Well, I'm finished with everything (and have been for a little while) - so I thought I'd share.

About 8 Diaper covers - 4 cut to fit the fitted diapers better, and 4 cut to fit prefold diapers better. Here's a cover not closed:
And here's the same cover, closed, with tabs overlapping (in case we have a skinny one again, like Bella was):

A quilt to match the rest of the bedding, etc. that was made before Bella was born:

I already showed pictures of the cloth wipes, Bella's night-time trainers, and the Ring Sling I made, so here's the rest of the diapers and other projects...
I made 12 size NB fitted diapers:

About 8 Diaper covers - 4 cut to fit the fitted diapers better, and 4 cut to fit prefold diapers better. Here's a cover not closed:

Also, here's a "Hooter Hider" (aka Breastfeeding apron) that I made:

And just for kicks, here's a picture of the nursery:

Another Update...
Went to the doctor yesterday, and here are the stats:
1. 36 weeks pregnant
2. Balian is doing fabulously. heartbeat good, positioned good, I'm measuring better, and I gained another pound! 24 total so far...I need to gain one more pound before birth, and my doctor will be happy :)
3. Found out I'm GBS positive...again. Not TOO big of a deal. It just means that I have to be on an IV, and they have to try to give me 2 doses of antibiotic between the time I get to the hospital to the time that Balian comes out...easier said than done b/c of the possibility of labor being pretty short...but one dose is better than none. With Bella, they only gave me one dose and we had no problems at all with it.
4. I gave the midwife my birthplan, we went over it, and I feel really good about everything. of course, as always, birthplans are dependent upon how labor is going. Things can always change.
5. Neil was able to meet me at the doctor! woohoo! The first time he's been able to be there. He was able to hear Balian's heartbeat for the first time :)
6. The midwife checked me for dilation again... after only 5 days from my last visit, when I was 1cm and 25% effaced... I'm NOW "not quite 2cm" and 50% effaced. I knew those sharp pains in the pelvic bone, Balian pushing down on me, and forever long braxton hicks were doing something...
7. I'll be 37 weeks on Saturday, and my next appointment is on Monday. It would be fabulous to at least make it to Saturday, if not to my next appointment. I'd feel much better about 37 weeks.
I've been anxious lately. There's so many unknowns and so many seemingly possible risks. But I'm trusting God, knowing that He already knows what will happen - both the good and the bad - and I know that no matter what, He'll be taking care of us. It gives me comfort to know that nothing surprises Him. In the meantime, I'm praying for wisdom for Neil and I for when the time comes. For me to know when to take action, to make calls, and to go to the hospital. And for Neil - the wisdom to help me get through it all.
1. 36 weeks pregnant
2. Balian is doing fabulously. heartbeat good, positioned good, I'm measuring better, and I gained another pound! 24 total so far...I need to gain one more pound before birth, and my doctor will be happy :)
3. Found out I'm GBS positive...again. Not TOO big of a deal. It just means that I have to be on an IV, and they have to try to give me 2 doses of antibiotic between the time I get to the hospital to the time that Balian comes out...easier said than done b/c of the possibility of labor being pretty short...but one dose is better than none. With Bella, they only gave me one dose and we had no problems at all with it.
4. I gave the midwife my birthplan, we went over it, and I feel really good about everything. of course, as always, birthplans are dependent upon how labor is going. Things can always change.
5. Neil was able to meet me at the doctor! woohoo! The first time he's been able to be there. He was able to hear Balian's heartbeat for the first time :)
6. The midwife checked me for dilation again... after only 5 days from my last visit, when I was 1cm and 25% effaced... I'm NOW "not quite 2cm" and 50% effaced. I knew those sharp pains in the pelvic bone, Balian pushing down on me, and forever long braxton hicks were doing something...
7. I'll be 37 weeks on Saturday, and my next appointment is on Monday. It would be fabulous to at least make it to Saturday, if not to my next appointment. I'd feel much better about 37 weeks.
I've been anxious lately. There's so many unknowns and so many seemingly possible risks. But I'm trusting God, knowing that He already knows what will happen - both the good and the bad - and I know that no matter what, He'll be taking care of us. It gives me comfort to know that nothing surprises Him. In the meantime, I'm praying for wisdom for Neil and I for when the time comes. For me to know when to take action, to make calls, and to go to the hospital. And for Neil - the wisdom to help me get through it all.
Friday, August 21, 2009
OB Update
Here's the stats from my doctor visit yesterday:
1. I'll be 36 weeks on Saturday.
2. I gained some weight! yay!
3. They did the GBS (Group B Strep) test, so I should know those results next week. Last time I was positive, and my labor was so fast they were only able to give me 1 out of the 2 doses of antibiotics you're supposed to get...so Bella and I had to stay in the hospital longer, just in case...but everything was fine.
4. IF I make it to 39 weeks, we have decided that we're ok with me being induced. I did some research on precipitous labor on my own this week. Now I understand more about the rarity (2% of all labors...hardly ever happens with a first child), trends (faster each time), and risks (more risk of tearing, bruising of baby's face, VERY painful, lack of ability to use either natural childbirth education techniques or drugs because of the intensity and short time, and the risk of unassisted home or in-car births that can lead to other problems) of precipitous labors, and therefore why my doctor is so concerned. Now my biggest concern is HOW they do the induction, so that it doesn't make my labor even faster. We'll just have to tackle that one If/when the time comes. I know it all depends on dilation, etc.
4. Speaking of dilation... I'm not even quite 36 weeks... and I'm at 1cm and 25% effaced.
5. My next appointment is tuesday.
Now, it's just a waiting game...
1. I'll be 36 weeks on Saturday.
2. I gained some weight! yay!
3. They did the GBS (Group B Strep) test, so I should know those results next week. Last time I was positive, and my labor was so fast they were only able to give me 1 out of the 2 doses of antibiotics you're supposed to get...so Bella and I had to stay in the hospital longer, just in case...but everything was fine.
4. IF I make it to 39 weeks, we have decided that we're ok with me being induced. I did some research on precipitous labor on my own this week. Now I understand more about the rarity (2% of all labors...hardly ever happens with a first child), trends (faster each time), and risks (more risk of tearing, bruising of baby's face, VERY painful, lack of ability to use either natural childbirth education techniques or drugs because of the intensity and short time, and the risk of unassisted home or in-car births that can lead to other problems) of precipitous labors, and therefore why my doctor is so concerned. Now my biggest concern is HOW they do the induction, so that it doesn't make my labor even faster. We'll just have to tackle that one If/when the time comes. I know it all depends on dilation, etc.
4. Speaking of dilation... I'm not even quite 36 weeks... and I'm at 1cm and 25% effaced.
5. My next appointment is tuesday.
Now, it's just a waiting game...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Prego update
So I haven't really written a lot of info about this pregnancy, I've realized.
Well, I went to the doctor today, and here's the stats:
1. I'll be 34 weeks on Saturday - Due September 19.
2. I need to gain more weight, apparently. I've only gained 19 lbs. so far, and I haven't really gained any weight since May. They want me to gain at least 25. I gained 30 with Bella. even if I gained a pound per week, and I made it all the way to 40 weeks, that would put me at barely 25 lbs. total weight gain. hm...we'll see how that goes...
3. I'm measuring a bit small (top of pelvic bone to top of uterus). They aren't too concerned about this though, because my ultrasound 2 weeks ago showed that our baby boy is growing wonderfully.
4. Dr. D. wants to induce me at 39 weeks. She's afraid that because of having a precipitous birth (less than 3 hours of labor) with Bella, that I won't make it into the hospital on time with this one. She'd rather induce me a bit early and have my labor under her control than me go naturally and not make it to the hospital in time :) I, however, do NOT want to be induced, and I will find any and every means possible to keep that from happening...I'll start running at 36 or 37 weeks if I have to...do jumping jacks...or find a chiropractor that is skilled in pressure points. of course, he may come before 39 weeks anyway, so we'll just have to see what happens...
...and be ready with a shower curtain if necessary :)
It's just so crazy that I'm going to be having another baby in a matter of weeks!
Ready or not, here he comes!!
oh, and one more thing...names. we have a first name. Neil and I have different ideas about what the middle name should be though. My opinion: Neil chose Bella's entire name AND chose the first name of this baby...I think it's only fair that I get some say in the middle name.
Neil says that back in the day the men named all of the babies... we may just have to wait until he gets here to decide.
Well, I went to the doctor today, and here's the stats:
1. I'll be 34 weeks on Saturday - Due September 19.
2. I need to gain more weight, apparently. I've only gained 19 lbs. so far, and I haven't really gained any weight since May. They want me to gain at least 25. I gained 30 with Bella. even if I gained a pound per week, and I made it all the way to 40 weeks, that would put me at barely 25 lbs. total weight gain. hm...we'll see how that goes...
3. I'm measuring a bit small (top of pelvic bone to top of uterus). They aren't too concerned about this though, because my ultrasound 2 weeks ago showed that our baby boy is growing wonderfully.
4. Dr. D. wants to induce me at 39 weeks. She's afraid that because of having a precipitous birth (less than 3 hours of labor) with Bella, that I won't make it into the hospital on time with this one. She'd rather induce me a bit early and have my labor under her control than me go naturally and not make it to the hospital in time :) I, however, do NOT want to be induced, and I will find any and every means possible to keep that from happening...I'll start running at 36 or 37 weeks if I have to...do jumping jacks...or find a chiropractor that is skilled in pressure points. of course, he may come before 39 weeks anyway, so we'll just have to see what happens...
...and be ready with a shower curtain if necessary :)
It's just so crazy that I'm going to be having another baby in a matter of weeks!
Ready or not, here he comes!!
oh, and one more thing...names. we have a first name. Neil and I have different ideas about what the middle name should be though. My opinion: Neil chose Bella's entire name AND chose the first name of this baby...I think it's only fair that I get some say in the middle name.
Neil says that back in the day the men named all of the babies... we may just have to wait until he gets here to decide.
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