Sadly, he's out to sea, yet again, for the third year in a row we aren't able to celebrate. Year #1 I was on bedrest with Bella.
Year #2 Neil was out to sea
Year #3 Neil out to sea
I'm sure we'll celebrate one together eventually...
But I have to brag on my husband for a second. Even though he's out to sea, he put lots of forethought and effort into doing something special for me. I'm totally impressed. This is what I recieved in the mail:
In case you can't read it, one heart says "Neil" and has his birthstone set into it. The other heart says "Pammy" and has my birthstone set into it. - forethought - sentimental value - the works! What a great hubby I have!
What makes it extra-special though, is the fact that Neil is not really much of a "gift" person. So I am totally blown away!
Happy Anniversary to me :)