Well, here's the official announcement. For those that don't know already, I'm:

Today was my first ultrasound for the new little one, and it went very well. Praise the Lord, there is only one! (I had a dream that I was told I was having twins...probably just anxiety because I'm at a higher risk for it)
Of course, they told me that because I still have the same uterine abnormality (bicornuate uterus...ie: heart-shaped), I'm going to have to go through the same stuff all over again. Even though Bella didn't actually come until 39 weeks last time, because I started having pre-term contractions that had to be stopped starting at 30 weeks, bed-rest, and all the rest of that mess, they are still going to be watching me like a hawk this time.
Both the midwife and the doctor are "concerned" about my running. I told them that I drastically cut my weekly mileage when I got pregnant, going from 20-25 miles per week pre-pregnancy to 10-15 miles per week once I got pregnant...and that I've been really good about warming up very slowly until my heart is ready for more. Apparently that made them feel a little better, because they said that I could still run...for now. I don't know how long they will let me do it, but I'll take all that I can get!
The midwife said that other than that everything looks good. I was dead-on (as I should be) as far as my due date, September 19, putting me at 11 weeks pregnant right now.
Ok...without further ado, here's Baby #2: