These are pictures of Bella and her Nana (Neil's mom) from our trip to Gulfshores this past weekend. It was interesting to say the least. Here's my countdown:
10 - amount of time in minutes that it hailed as we were leaving Gulfshores. good thing we stopped at the outlet mall - we wouldn't have been going anywhere anyway. :)
9 - the number of hours it took us to drive to Gulfshores
8 - the number of people in Neil's family that we got to see this weekend
7 - the number of hours it should take us to get to Gulfshores.
6 - the number of stops we made on the way home.
5 - amount of items bought at the Children's place outlet for Bella for a grand total of $23. two dresses, a skirt, a pair of jeans, and a hat. :)
4 - total number of vomiting episodes from Bella, my beautiful daughter who NEVER throws up.
3 - number of in-car vomiting episodes Bella had between going and coming home.
2 - the number of times we had to completely take apart the carseat, wash everything and put it back together. Also the number of people that stopped us to ask if everything was ok, when we pulled over into a housing development in the middle of nowhere (close to Gulfshores) to clean Bella up.
1 - (a.m.) the approximate time of stoping (20 min. from the house) at McDonald's to clean her up on the way home. Neil walked up to the drive-thru and asked if we could go in and use the bathroom.
0 - the number of shoes I was wearing when I walked into McDonald's. yes, I will never do it again. I didn't realize it until I was walking in the door, holding the stripped-down-to-the-diaper baby in my arms. seriously disgusting!
However, though it may seem like it may have been a miserable trip, it was so good to see family!