We met at the Louisiana Tech Wesley foundation. We had coffeehouses on Friday nights that sometimes meant open mic nights. that was this night. Neil and these guys were all singing, and Neil asked me to take part. I think it was the first time he had ever asked me to do anything with him, instead of there just being a mutual understanding that we would see each other for dinner in the upstairs cafateria with our huge group of people...
oh, and the guy in the red shirt is Neil's brother Kyle. we actually got an award at the end of the year banquet for this night. Probably because Neil busted out with a crazy, scream-your-head-off POD song and caught everyone offguard!
We didn't date for 2.5 more years...

This was about a month after we were engaged. I flew into Charleston to visit Neil and go to the "Dining out" for his Power School class (I was really over-dressed).

I'm gonna be here for you baby.
I'll be a man of my word.
speak the language in a voice that you have never heard.
I want to sleep with you forever.
and I want to die in your arms.
In a cabin by a medow where the wild bees swarm.
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
and I'll earn your trust making memories of us.
I want to honor your mother
I want to learn from your pa
I want to steal your attention like a bad outlaw
I want to stand out in a crowd for you
a man among men
I want to make your world better than it's ever been
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
and I'll earn your trust making memories of us
We'll follow the rainbow
wherever the four winds blow
there'll be a new day coming your way
I'm gonna be here for you from now on
this you know somehow
you've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now
I'm gonna make you a promise
if there's life after this
I'm gonna be there to meet you with a warm wet kiss
And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
and I'll earn your trust making memories of us.