This is a great Mom video showing the hard work of moms behind the scenes every day... I like it :)
Of course, it doesn't hurt that it's a commercial for P&G, and well, we have two family members that work for them - Neil's dad and brother :)
The point is that you never know how much the work that you do day in and day out will pay off in the long-run. We have no idea who our children will become - what influence they will have in the world. Whether they become a sport star and have a very high platform to speak from to the multitudes, or whether they are unknown by the masses, yet known to those with whom they will share the Gospel with - or be an example of Christ-like character - in America, or on the mission-field elsewhere....we just never know how us pouring into our kids will someday impact other people.
It's another reminder that my mission field right now - my children - is so vitally important. It isn't just for my kids - it's for everyone that my kids are able to reach as well.
Being a mom is a big job, but the greatest calling in the world.
"Watch and be amazed. For I will do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
What I'm Reading Now: The Engine 2 Diet
I know. It sounds like every other diet plan out there. But it isn't.
Those of you that know me know that I am NOT a dieter. I am all about health as a way of life. The more natural, the better. I've always been a fan of preventing or dealing with sickness with diet as much as possible. I want to know how to get rid of a physical ailment without taking medicine. The holistic approach.
This is the ultimate in holistic medicine.
Whole foods, plant-based awesomeness is contained in these pages.
It's written by the son of Dr. Esselstyn, the doctor who has done a TON of research on the affects of the American diet and disease - as well as the opposite - a whole-foods, plant-based diet and the affects on preventing AND (in some cases) REVERSING disease. Heart disease. Diabetes. Stroke. Alzheimers. Cancer. Erectile dysfunction. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. Arthritis. Osteoporosis.
Just to name a few...
This book tackles it all in laymen's terms.
Rip Esselstyn is a tri-athlete and a Firefighter - hence the name of the book. There's lots of firefighter and triathlon race stories.
There is a special section on dispelling the myths associated with whole food, plant-based eating.
Protein. Oils. Omega 3s. Being satisfied. Nutrient deficiencies.
No meat (not even fish). No animal by-products (gasp! no milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt, butter, etc.). No processed foods (like "vegan" processed meat substitutes). No oils (not even olive oil). No refined sugar. No simple starches (vs. complex - like Whole wheat, oat, etc.)
We aren't there yet. Our refrigerator is still loaded with milk and yogurt and cheese...and I just bought a huge thing of Extra Virgin Olive Oil...
but we're learning.
The more we learn, the more grossed out we get with the way we (and everyone else in America) is eating.
And it's especially making us conscious of what we're feeding our kids.
The last part of the book has actual recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so that you can put it into practice.
It's a lot easier than it sounds, and there are more and more cookbooks coming out that are not just "Vegan" but whole food, plant-based, because really, vegan isn't good enough...Vegans typically still eat a lot of processed foods and a lot of a lot of vegans are still unhealthy.
For more on whole food, plant-based eating, watch Forks Over Knives (the research), and Forks Over Knives presents: The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue (application).
The more we read, the more sold we are on this as a way of life for prevention, and reversal of whatever in lurking in our bodies at the moment (ahem...IBS, acne, eczema, and who knows what blockage or free radicals...).
Once we're on the other side, I'll tell you all about it.
For now, I'll keep reading and learning, so that I'm motivated to never buy butter or yogurt again!
Or maybe even re-lactate so that Isaiah can get human milk awesomeness (vs. cow milk) for another year...
Who knows.
You already think I'm crazy. Why not be just plain weird? :)
Monday, April 16, 2012
"October Baby"
Have you heard of this movie?
I just did.
It's a movie about life.
I haven't seen it...YET. I am SO there.
Here is a trailer:
For more info you can go to
You can also go to for all kinds of resources, facts about abortions, and people's stories about life.
How could I NOT have heard about this movie?
I'm excited.
And I know it has GOT to make God smile!
I just did.
It's a movie about life.
I haven't seen it...YET. I am SO there.
Here is a trailer:
For more info you can go to
You can also go to for all kinds of resources, facts about abortions, and people's stories about life.
How could I NOT have heard about this movie?
I'm excited.
And I know it has GOT to make God smile!
Upcycled Flower Sundress
So the upcycled play-dress making continues...
I started out with these two shirts:
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Contributed by Me |
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Contributed by Mom |
Add some cuts, gathers, binding, elastic, and a little girly touch...
And I ended up with this:
And if you love the frilly flower, like I do, here's a close-up:
Maybe someday I'll do a tutorial on how to make this flower...
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Church, Be Real. Period.
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to "put on a face"? You don't really feel like you can be yourself. A job interview. A Christmas Dinner for your husband's job. A birthday party where you don't know anyone except the person who invited you. It could be anything.
But get this:
More and more people are feeling this way about church.
Do you?
Are you one of the many 20-30 somethings (or younger) that are discontent?
Do you feel like when you walk into a church you have to put on a face - that you have to be somebody that you aren't so that you'll "fit in"?
Do you look around and see a picture of countless "perfect, white, happy families" when your family isn't perfect? Or isn't white? or isn't necessarily happy?
When somebody asks you how you are doing, do you just say "I'm fine" because you don't think they really care about the real answer, or you don't think they can handle it?
Do you feel lost in a crowd?
Do you yearn for more?
Do you long to know real friendships, real relationships, and go deeper but don't see a way to do that within the church walls?
Do you long to be challenged - sharpened - but are only told what people think you want to hear?
Do you just long to be real?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are not alone.
The more I talk to people, the more I hear it. Time and time again, people are discontent. They wonder if church is really for them. They are not walking away from God. But they are tempted to walk away from the church. But why?
I think it all comes down to this one thing:
They want what is real.
"If it isn't real, then I don't want anything to do with it."
How many of us can agree with that? I'm pretty sure more people have had this on their heart than have spoken.
It's not that they are saying that God isn't real. They believe in the same God that I do. They believe that every part of the Bible is true.
And that's the problem.
If we really take the Bible and try to live out the Truths within the Scriptures, then the Church would look a lot different. And when we get down to the bottom of things, those that are discontent are discontent because what they see in the church doesn't match what they are reading in God's Word.
But does that mean that we give up? Does that mean that we call it quits? Do we walk out on the church because we think it will never change?
Because the truth is - if those who are discontent with the way things are - who long to be real - would do just that - be real - the Church would look a lot different.
If we long for transparency, are we being transparent?
If we long for people to be real - are we being real?
If we long for community - are we taking initiative to invite people into our lives to share life with us?
Or are we just sitting back and complaining about it - hoping that things will change, but having little hope that they ever will?
If we want the church to change, we have to change.
We can't sit back and remain silent.
I once approached my college mentor and told her that I needed accountability. I saw a need for true accountability between women. Being real. Sharing our junk. I envisioned an accountability group.
Her words: "So start one."
Her words ring so true.
Do you desire transparency? Be transparent.
Do you long for accountability? Ask for someone to hold you accountable - and hold others accountable.
Do you long for community and relationship? Then start a small group. Lead a small group. Open your home and host a small group.
Do you long for the church to do more justice ministry? Find a way to serve, get a group together (perhaps the small group from above), and do it.
The list could go on and on...
So if you are fed up - there is hope.
We serve a God that does the impossible.
He is the same God that sent His Son to die for us.
This same Son - Jesus - was the One who started the Church in the first place.
If we have become reconciled to God through the blood of Jesus, we are a part of the Church - the body of believers that calls on the Name of Christ.
And Jesus loves His Church.
We are the Bride of Christ.
Knowing that, we can have hope that God will move.
And He is.
Right now, all throughout the Church, there is revelation - and the Church is beginning to rise up.
People are no longer content with conformity. We don't want to conform into this "idea" of what church is supposed to be.
We want more.
God is moving.
Are we willing to go where God is moving us?
It's not just one person that is discontent. There is a whole stream of people.
And it's a good thing.
You know that God is moving when it isn't just one person, or one group of people.
When it's all over a city, a state, or an entire nation - when people are rising up saying that we aren't doing what we are supposed to be doing - maybe we should listen.
Maybe the Holy Spirit is calling us out.
Maybe He is calling us to step up to the plate. To bring the Church back to where He wants it to be.
So that the Church can begin to look more like it did when it first began.
Breaking bread together. Faces down flat before God, praying together. sharing life together. Sharing struggles together. serving together. Telling others about Jesus together. By the Power of the Holy Spirit, performing miracles together. Drawing others to Christ together.
Giving God Glory together.
I want to encourage those who are thinking about leaving the church.
Don't leave.
We need you.
I need you.
I need you to be real with me.
I need you to share life with me.
I need you to call me on my crap.
I need you to sharpen me.
I need you to not walk around on eggshells.
I need you to step up along-side me so that we can pray together and seek out how God wants to use this passion that is burning inside of us.
And don't forget that the world needs you.
Because if you are real - the world will see it.
And if you are real - the world just might be willing to listen.
And maybe we can share our real lives with our real-life testimonies to those who are hurting and broken.
And maybe, just maybe, the Lord will continue to add to our number daily those who are being saved.
I have faith that God wants to use this discontentment to actually unify His Church, and bring us to the place that He wants us to be. But we have to be willing to be His instruments. We have to be willing to stick around and see what He can do - by becoming the very thing that we are desiring.
All things are possible with God.
I have faith.
Do you?
But get this:
More and more people are feeling this way about church.
Do you?
Are you one of the many 20-30 somethings (or younger) that are discontent?
Do you feel like when you walk into a church you have to put on a face - that you have to be somebody that you aren't so that you'll "fit in"?
Do you look around and see a picture of countless "perfect, white, happy families" when your family isn't perfect? Or isn't white? or isn't necessarily happy?
When somebody asks you how you are doing, do you just say "I'm fine" because you don't think they really care about the real answer, or you don't think they can handle it?
Do you feel lost in a crowd?
Do you yearn for more?
Do you long to know real friendships, real relationships, and go deeper but don't see a way to do that within the church walls?
Do you long to be challenged - sharpened - but are only told what people think you want to hear?
Do you just long to be real?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are not alone.
The more I talk to people, the more I hear it. Time and time again, people are discontent. They wonder if church is really for them. They are not walking away from God. But they are tempted to walk away from the church. But why?
I think it all comes down to this one thing:
They want what is real.
"If it isn't real, then I don't want anything to do with it."
How many of us can agree with that? I'm pretty sure more people have had this on their heart than have spoken.
It's not that they are saying that God isn't real. They believe in the same God that I do. They believe that every part of the Bible is true.
And that's the problem.
If we really take the Bible and try to live out the Truths within the Scriptures, then the Church would look a lot different. And when we get down to the bottom of things, those that are discontent are discontent because what they see in the church doesn't match what they are reading in God's Word.
But does that mean that we give up? Does that mean that we call it quits? Do we walk out on the church because we think it will never change?
Because the truth is - if those who are discontent with the way things are - who long to be real - would do just that - be real - the Church would look a lot different.
If we long for transparency, are we being transparent?
If we long for people to be real - are we being real?
If we long for community - are we taking initiative to invite people into our lives to share life with us?
Or are we just sitting back and complaining about it - hoping that things will change, but having little hope that they ever will?
If we want the church to change, we have to change.
We can't sit back and remain silent.
I once approached my college mentor and told her that I needed accountability. I saw a need for true accountability between women. Being real. Sharing our junk. I envisioned an accountability group.
Her words: "So start one."
Her words ring so true.
Do you desire transparency? Be transparent.
Do you long for accountability? Ask for someone to hold you accountable - and hold others accountable.
Do you long for community and relationship? Then start a small group. Lead a small group. Open your home and host a small group.
Do you long for the church to do more justice ministry? Find a way to serve, get a group together (perhaps the small group from above), and do it.
The list could go on and on...
So if you are fed up - there is hope.
We serve a God that does the impossible.
He is the same God that sent His Son to die for us.
This same Son - Jesus - was the One who started the Church in the first place.
If we have become reconciled to God through the blood of Jesus, we are a part of the Church - the body of believers that calls on the Name of Christ.
And Jesus loves His Church.
We are the Bride of Christ.
Knowing that, we can have hope that God will move.
And He is.
Right now, all throughout the Church, there is revelation - and the Church is beginning to rise up.
People are no longer content with conformity. We don't want to conform into this "idea" of what church is supposed to be.
We want more.
God is moving.
Are we willing to go where God is moving us?
It's not just one person that is discontent. There is a whole stream of people.
And it's a good thing.
You know that God is moving when it isn't just one person, or one group of people.
When it's all over a city, a state, or an entire nation - when people are rising up saying that we aren't doing what we are supposed to be doing - maybe we should listen.
Maybe the Holy Spirit is calling us out.
Maybe He is calling us to step up to the plate. To bring the Church back to where He wants it to be.
So that the Church can begin to look more like it did when it first began.
Breaking bread together. Faces down flat before God, praying together. sharing life together. Sharing struggles together. serving together. Telling others about Jesus together. By the Power of the Holy Spirit, performing miracles together. Drawing others to Christ together.
Giving God Glory together.
I want to encourage those who are thinking about leaving the church.
Don't leave.
We need you.
I need you.
I need you to be real with me.
I need you to share life with me.
I need you to call me on my crap.
I need you to sharpen me.
I need you to not walk around on eggshells.
I need you to step up along-side me so that we can pray together and seek out how God wants to use this passion that is burning inside of us.
And don't forget that the world needs you.
Because if you are real - the world will see it.
And if you are real - the world just might be willing to listen.
And maybe we can share our real lives with our real-life testimonies to those who are hurting and broken.
And maybe, just maybe, the Lord will continue to add to our number daily those who are being saved.
I have faith that God wants to use this discontentment to actually unify His Church, and bring us to the place that He wants us to be. But we have to be willing to be His instruments. We have to be willing to stick around and see what He can do - by becoming the very thing that we are desiring.
All things are possible with God.
I have faith.
Do you?
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Strawberry Pickin'
Today we headed to Fall Creek Farms to pick strawberries! I love that Fall Creek Farm is just outside of our neighborhood. Close to home, fun for us, fun for the kids, healthy (organic farm), and we all get to eat strawberries when we get home! What's not to love?
Bella was so excited that she was able to wear clothes that matched the occasion.
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Check out that good-lookin' guy! |
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Bella showing one of our 2 boxes of strawberries. |
I think Balian enjoyed the dirt just as much as the strawberries! Check out that face :)
Fall Creek Farm has all kinds of metal "things" throughout the land. Grasshoppers, a Daddy-long-leg spider, a dung beetle... But this is the only one that is bright and colorful...We had to get a picture with the Ginormous Strawberry!
Isaiah had fun chillin' out with me while we picked our berries. Leaning over to pick strawberries while wearing this guy made for quite a workout, but worked well. Seriously. If you haven't tried a back carry - you should try it - LOVE it. Makes life so much easier! make my 1/2 year's worth of strawberry jam...
This time I'm going to attempt to make an all-fruit version (no sugar added). We'll see how it goes.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
A Beautiful Surprise
I went outside to water my hanging baskets of ferns yesterday. When I took them off the hook and put them on the ground to water them, this is what I found:
What a beautiful reminder that new life is springing up everywhere around us!
It was also a wonderful way to teach the kids about caring for God's creatures (and that sometimes that means not touching!!). Watering around the nest instead of on top of it...gently handling the hanging baskets so not to disturb the nest at all.
So many lessons from such a beautiful surprise!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Training Log - Getting My Groove Back.
Every time I have to start over with running, (after having a baby, having an injury, being too lazy, etc.) I start out with these goals:
1. run (however slowly) for 30 minutes. This can start with walk/runs....which turns into run/walks...eventually more running than walking...running for longer and longer...until finally I am able to run (jog slowly) for 30 minutes without stopping. Usually this is nowhere close to 3 my next goal is:
2. Run 3 miles. This means slowly increasing in time. However, as time goes on, it means getting faster as well, as I get more in shape. Why 3 miles? It's a good starting point for base mileage. If I can run 3 miles consistently, then I can train for longer distances or just start incorporating speed work into my runs to get faster to run a 5k.
3. Once I make the 3-mile mark, I start adding other goals: run a 5k, run a 10k, etc. and I work on a training plan to do so.
So I've been running pretty inconsistently. Once every couple of weeks, at best. I'm really a horrible runner if I don't have a training plan. For real. It doesn't matter if you have a goal, if you don't have a plan to accomplish that goal.
I finally sat down last week and wrote out my training plan though, so most likely that will give me the motivation I need to get back into the swing of things.
I have my base mileage - although very slow still - but I feel like I'm ready to pick up the pace and start training - and be consistent in my running in general.
So when I get a chance, I'll be posting some of my workouts - just to give you an idea of what my running world is like. Maybe you could join me :)
A 30-minute Fartlek. A Fartlek is running 5 minutes at an easy pace, then 1 minute at a 5k pace - for 30 minutes (or however long the workout lasts).
I'm slow right now, and pushing this too hard would cause me to not be able to finish it. I figured I could set my 5k pace to 11:00/mile...meaning that my easy pace was 13:00/mile.
I ran on the treadmill. To make it easier to keep track of time (the less thought while running, the better) I did more along the lines of 4 minutes easy and 1 minute of 5k pace, so on every 5 minute mark, I picked up the pace to 5k for one minute, then slowed back down.
At the 30 minute mark I was just shy of 2.5 miles, and I like nice round numbers... so I kept it up until the 2.5 mile mark. 2.5 miles in 31:25. This was finishing off my last 5k pace. So then I dropped down to my easy pace again to start my cool-down. Again, I like nice even I did my easy pace for .25 miles - now at 2.75. I slowed down more and more for cool-down, but finished it up at a nice, fabulous 3-mile mark. :)
Training won't always be 3 miles or more simply because you have a 3-mile base mileage. With speed work, it doesn't need to be. You have to slowly train your body to go faster. That's the point. It's building endurance at a higher speed. Most of the time, I'll run much slower over-all or much less distance over-all on speed work days. It's just the way it is - but there will be improvement over time...I'm looking forward to that :)
Oh, and I have this post-run routine:
-20 push-ups
-Triple Threat - set of 10 - (Navy workout that Neil taught me way back) - Double leg lifts, split leg lifts, then bicycles. As I lift my legs up (together or seperate) I count the Navy way (1, 2, 3, 01...1, 2, 3, 02...)
-Stretch everything out.
1. run (however slowly) for 30 minutes. This can start with walk/runs....which turns into run/walks...eventually more running than walking...running for longer and longer...until finally I am able to run (jog slowly) for 30 minutes without stopping. Usually this is nowhere close to 3 my next goal is:
2. Run 3 miles. This means slowly increasing in time. However, as time goes on, it means getting faster as well, as I get more in shape. Why 3 miles? It's a good starting point for base mileage. If I can run 3 miles consistently, then I can train for longer distances or just start incorporating speed work into my runs to get faster to run a 5k.
3. Once I make the 3-mile mark, I start adding other goals: run a 5k, run a 10k, etc. and I work on a training plan to do so.
So I've been running pretty inconsistently. Once every couple of weeks, at best. I'm really a horrible runner if I don't have a training plan. For real. It doesn't matter if you have a goal, if you don't have a plan to accomplish that goal.
I finally sat down last week and wrote out my training plan though, so most likely that will give me the motivation I need to get back into the swing of things.
I have my base mileage - although very slow still - but I feel like I'm ready to pick up the pace and start training - and be consistent in my running in general.
So when I get a chance, I'll be posting some of my workouts - just to give you an idea of what my running world is like. Maybe you could join me :)
A 30-minute Fartlek. A Fartlek is running 5 minutes at an easy pace, then 1 minute at a 5k pace - for 30 minutes (or however long the workout lasts).
I'm slow right now, and pushing this too hard would cause me to not be able to finish it. I figured I could set my 5k pace to 11:00/mile...meaning that my easy pace was 13:00/mile.
I ran on the treadmill. To make it easier to keep track of time (the less thought while running, the better) I did more along the lines of 4 minutes easy and 1 minute of 5k pace, so on every 5 minute mark, I picked up the pace to 5k for one minute, then slowed back down.
At the 30 minute mark I was just shy of 2.5 miles, and I like nice round numbers... so I kept it up until the 2.5 mile mark. 2.5 miles in 31:25. This was finishing off my last 5k pace. So then I dropped down to my easy pace again to start my cool-down. Again, I like nice even I did my easy pace for .25 miles - now at 2.75. I slowed down more and more for cool-down, but finished it up at a nice, fabulous 3-mile mark. :)
Training won't always be 3 miles or more simply because you have a 3-mile base mileage. With speed work, it doesn't need to be. You have to slowly train your body to go faster. That's the point. It's building endurance at a higher speed. Most of the time, I'll run much slower over-all or much less distance over-all on speed work days. It's just the way it is - but there will be improvement over time...I'm looking forward to that :)
Oh, and I have this post-run routine:
-20 push-ups
-Triple Threat - set of 10 - (Navy workout that Neil taught me way back) - Double leg lifts, split leg lifts, then bicycles. As I lift my legs up (together or seperate) I count the Navy way (1, 2, 3, 01...1, 2, 3, 02...)
-Stretch everything out.
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