Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Update and Pictures!
I'm writing this on Friday, the 25th, even though it says monday, the 21st. o well...
Balian had his first doctor's appointment on Monday.
He's gained some weight, which is always good. His birth weight was 7 lbs. 5 oz. When we left the hospital, he had lost about 8.5% of his birth weight and was down to 6 lbs. 11 oz. Well, now he weighed in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. - gaining about 2% of his weight back.
The weight gain is added encouragement that breast feeding is going a million times better this time around. I already knew from other things (stronger suck, better latch-on, lots of swallowing, lack of soarness on my part, etc.) that feeding was much better than with Bella ('s like night and day - totally different), but knowing that he is gaining weight makes me that much more confident.
Sleep-wise, Balian has been doing awesome the past couple of days. He seems to be getting on a pretty good schedule - eating every 2-3 hours during the day (usually 2.5 to 3), and at night, he's been going 4.5 to 5 hours between only waking up once during the night, really...and usually I have to wake him up after 5 hours for his middle of the night feeding, just so that it doesn't affect my milk supply too much. crazy. We've been having trouble getting him down for naps during the day, but today seemed to go much better.
Me - I'm feeling pretty good. Tired, just as all new moms are. I try to get one really good nap in every day. I definitely have had some emotional roller coasters at times, but I'm dealing. I'm trying to walk more, which is helping me to not go TOO stir-crazy.
I swelled up pretty bad starting the day after having Balian, but as of yesterday, I think it's almost gone. I can see my ankles again, and my face doesn't look so much like a chipmunk. As far as other pain, I'm doing really good. After having gone through both options of episiotomy vs. no episiotomy - I have to say that no episiotomy is the way to go. I had one with Bella and I was hurting for WEEKS - this time, I didn't have one and I was feeling better after only about 3 or 4 days. Maybe too much information, but just a little FYI.
Bella - she's doing pretty good. She's been "crying over spilled milk" so to speak - small things are incredibly more dramatic - and seem almost tragic to her at times. so, whinier, and she cries more... and is begging for more attention from Mommy. I'm doing my best to give her undivided attention at least once or twice a day when Balian is asleep. She's learning how to be "gentle" as well. She wants to help out a lot, but she's learing the to pat his back to give him his to rock the moses basket gently, etc... She does love her little brother to pieces's just learning how to show that love better. :)
ok, now for what you really want...PICTURES!! see the slideshow below (or above...not really sure how this will come out)!!
Balian had his first doctor's appointment on Monday.
He's gained some weight, which is always good. His birth weight was 7 lbs. 5 oz. When we left the hospital, he had lost about 8.5% of his birth weight and was down to 6 lbs. 11 oz. Well, now he weighed in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. - gaining about 2% of his weight back.
The weight gain is added encouragement that breast feeding is going a million times better this time around. I already knew from other things (stronger suck, better latch-on, lots of swallowing, lack of soarness on my part, etc.) that feeding was much better than with Bella ('s like night and day - totally different), but knowing that he is gaining weight makes me that much more confident.
Sleep-wise, Balian has been doing awesome the past couple of days. He seems to be getting on a pretty good schedule - eating every 2-3 hours during the day (usually 2.5 to 3), and at night, he's been going 4.5 to 5 hours between only waking up once during the night, really...and usually I have to wake him up after 5 hours for his middle of the night feeding, just so that it doesn't affect my milk supply too much. crazy. We've been having trouble getting him down for naps during the day, but today seemed to go much better.
Me - I'm feeling pretty good. Tired, just as all new moms are. I try to get one really good nap in every day. I definitely have had some emotional roller coasters at times, but I'm dealing. I'm trying to walk more, which is helping me to not go TOO stir-crazy.
I swelled up pretty bad starting the day after having Balian, but as of yesterday, I think it's almost gone. I can see my ankles again, and my face doesn't look so much like a chipmunk. As far as other pain, I'm doing really good. After having gone through both options of episiotomy vs. no episiotomy - I have to say that no episiotomy is the way to go. I had one with Bella and I was hurting for WEEKS - this time, I didn't have one and I was feeling better after only about 3 or 4 days. Maybe too much information, but just a little FYI.
Bella - she's doing pretty good. She's been "crying over spilled milk" so to speak - small things are incredibly more dramatic - and seem almost tragic to her at times. so, whinier, and she cries more... and is begging for more attention from Mommy. I'm doing my best to give her undivided attention at least once or twice a day when Balian is asleep. She's learning how to be "gentle" as well. She wants to help out a lot, but she's learing the to pat his back to give him his to rock the moses basket gently, etc... She does love her little brother to pieces's just learning how to show that love better. :)
ok, now for what you really want...PICTURES!! see the slideshow below (or above...not really sure how this will come out)!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
We're home!!
Hey everyone!
Well, we got home from the hospital Thursday morning about 11am. They have been releasing most people after about 24 hours lately, to get them home, but we needed to stay a bit extra.
Because of the fast delivery, Balian had a lot of fluid in his lungs. He was coughing it all up on his own beautifully, but because of all that fluid, he wasn't eating very often at all - like he had so much gunk in him that he was already too full to eat! At one point, he went about 14 hours without eating - even though I offered it to him many, many times when he was WIDE awake. So, they wanted to make sure that the gunk got out, and he started eating well before he left.
Balian also had an x-ray done on his skull. There was a spot on it that they were concerned about, but turns out it was just a bruise on his skull, again, most likely because of the fast labor.
Since we've been home, we haven't had any problems. He's eating very well (every 2.5-3 hours)and hasn't had to spit up any fluid, so we're happy about that.
Bella has been adjusting pretty nicely. She's a bit more whiney than normal - and was testing her limits with me yesterday - but that's to be expected. She wants to help out all the time, and if Balian is crying, she goes up to him, strokes his head, and says "it's ok, Balian". She always wants to give him his Binky, or his blanket, or whatever else she can find...even when he's sleeping...
I think she'll learn soon enough.
Anyway, Just wanted to update. I'll post some new pictures later on when I have a bit more time.
Well, we got home from the hospital Thursday morning about 11am. They have been releasing most people after about 24 hours lately, to get them home, but we needed to stay a bit extra.
Because of the fast delivery, Balian had a lot of fluid in his lungs. He was coughing it all up on his own beautifully, but because of all that fluid, he wasn't eating very often at all - like he had so much gunk in him that he was already too full to eat! At one point, he went about 14 hours without eating - even though I offered it to him many, many times when he was WIDE awake. So, they wanted to make sure that the gunk got out, and he started eating well before he left.
Balian also had an x-ray done on his skull. There was a spot on it that they were concerned about, but turns out it was just a bruise on his skull, again, most likely because of the fast labor.
Since we've been home, we haven't had any problems. He's eating very well (every 2.5-3 hours)and hasn't had to spit up any fluid, so we're happy about that.
Bella has been adjusting pretty nicely. She's a bit more whiney than normal - and was testing her limits with me yesterday - but that's to be expected. She wants to help out all the time, and if Balian is crying, she goes up to him, strokes his head, and says "it's ok, Balian". She always wants to give him his Binky, or his blanket, or whatever else she can find...even when he's sleeping...
I think she'll learn soon enough.
Anyway, Just wanted to update. I'll post some new pictures later on when I have a bit more time.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
2:15 pm - Nurse came in to check Pam and she was dialated to 8cm. Nurse went to get another nurse and call the Doctor in and when the nurse came back in Pam had rolled to her side to relieve some pressure and Balian's head was out, before the nurse could get a second glove on he was here:
2:22 pm
7lbs 5oz
20 1/2 inches long
Happy Birthday Balian!!!!
I will post pics as soon as I get them.
2:22 pm
7lbs 5oz
20 1/2 inches long
Happy Birthday Balian!!!!
I will post pics as soon as I get them.
Inducing Today!!
It's about 5:45 am, and I'm anxiously waiting 15 more minutes before we leave for the hospital. I'm set to be induced at 6:30am.
Neil hasn't been feeling up to par the past couple of days, so pray that they don't kick him out of the delivery room!
All I know is that when I show up, they're going to get me hooked up to the monitors, etc... and eventually start giving me Pitocin.
I'm hoping for the lowest dosage possible...and hoping that's all I need. we'll see how stubborn this little one is...
My sister, Jessica, will be updating my blog throughout the day - even possibly posting Balian's first picture - so stay tuned!!
Neil hasn't been feeling up to par the past couple of days, so pray that they don't kick him out of the delivery room!
All I know is that when I show up, they're going to get me hooked up to the monitors, etc... and eventually start giving me Pitocin.
I'm hoping for the lowest dosage possible...and hoping that's all I need. we'll see how stubborn this little one is...
My sister, Jessica, will be updating my blog throughout the day - even possibly posting Balian's first picture - so stay tuned!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
On the non-baby side of things...
I know I've taken up tons of blog space talking about the new baby, and haven't updated on Bella or the rest of us very much.
Well, this past Saturday, we decided to relax, but do something fun as a family...taking advantage of the time we have before the new little one arrives. So, we decided to go the St. Marys Aquatic Center. It was a beautiful day - maybe a little TOO nice, since the water was pretty cool... but Bella had fun, and that's really all that counts.
Here's a pic of the Aquatic Center's kid's play area:
and of course, there were times that "lil' miss independent" came out - like here, where's she's saying "No, Mommy, Stay BACK!"
Well, this past Saturday, we decided to relax, but do something fun as a family...taking advantage of the time we have before the new little one arrives. So, we decided to go the St. Marys Aquatic Center. It was a beautiful day - maybe a little TOO nice, since the water was pretty cool... but Bella had fun, and that's really all that counts.
Here's a pic of the Aquatic Center's kid's play area:
The big bucket on top fills up with water and then turns over and splashes everything about every 2.5 - 3 minutes. Bella was not a fan. She kept saying "I don't like the big bucket" and refused to go on any of the slides, for fear of all the water tumbling down on her. poor thing. and every time we tried to "help" her get up the courage to play on the slides...low and behold, the bucket would dump, and all was lost...
She really likes the lazy river though :)
most of her time was spend just wading in the shallow water of the kiddy area:
yes, we have entered the rhelm of sassiness. Joy. I wonder if she'll be like her mama as a teenager...let's hope not.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Doctor Update
so...this afternoon was a pretty interesting/stressful doctor's visit.
1. I'm 38 weeks and 3 days at this point.
2. no change...still 2 cm and 50% effaced.
3. Inducing Update: The earliest they can do it is next Tuesday, Sept. 15. Apparently, according to "Standard of Care" they can't do an induction even a day earlier than 39 weeks...then, the hospital has regulations that they can't do one on the weekend...and guess what? they're booked for, that leaves us with Tuesday.
So...we'll see what happens between now and then.
4. The Good news: My doctor is on call this weekend, should I go into labor :)
5. Now, for the bad news: The flu and the swine flu have been pretty bad here. I already knew this, because Neil had told me about reported cases on base...and some of those have been on HIS BOAT! Anyway, because of this, and because of updated statistics that have shown that there have been infant, new mama, and pregnant mama deaths because of the craziness (they are some of the highest at-risk for mortality due to the flu/ swine flu).
what this means:
a. No children are allowed in the maternity ward (meaning, Bella can't come see her baby brother in the hospital)
b. I won't be able to have any visitors other than Neil, and MAYBE ONE other person.
c. they may release us after 24 hours, rather than the 48 that is usually governed by GA state law - so that the baby can be in a less risky environment.
d. they are suggesting limited people come to the house once released, and they don't want moms and babies to leave the house for 6 weeks! no walmart, no church, no nothing.
e. I need to get a flu shot.
Neil's main concern is the fact that there are cases on the boat. He's not really sure what to do about it.
1. Pray for the labor to go smoothly, and that it happens in God's right timing - even if that right timing is Tuesday for an induction.
2. Pray for protection over Neil, myself, and our little one when he comes.
I know that God has us covered. I know that He is our Protector, our Shelter, our Refuge, and our Strength.
I feel like everyday I'm fighting more and more to not be anxious about anything, but I'm trying to give it to the Lord every time my thoughts are consumed by the "what ifs."
May He give us PEACE which passes every bit of our understanding.
I know He will. And I'm standing on those promises!
1. I'm 38 weeks and 3 days at this point.
2. no change...still 2 cm and 50% effaced.
3. Inducing Update: The earliest they can do it is next Tuesday, Sept. 15. Apparently, according to "Standard of Care" they can't do an induction even a day earlier than 39 weeks...then, the hospital has regulations that they can't do one on the weekend...and guess what? they're booked for, that leaves us with Tuesday.
So...we'll see what happens between now and then.
4. The Good news: My doctor is on call this weekend, should I go into labor :)
5. Now, for the bad news: The flu and the swine flu have been pretty bad here. I already knew this, because Neil had told me about reported cases on base...and some of those have been on HIS BOAT! Anyway, because of this, and because of updated statistics that have shown that there have been infant, new mama, and pregnant mama deaths because of the craziness (they are some of the highest at-risk for mortality due to the flu/ swine flu).
what this means:
a. No children are allowed in the maternity ward (meaning, Bella can't come see her baby brother in the hospital)
b. I won't be able to have any visitors other than Neil, and MAYBE ONE other person.
c. they may release us after 24 hours, rather than the 48 that is usually governed by GA state law - so that the baby can be in a less risky environment.
d. they are suggesting limited people come to the house once released, and they don't want moms and babies to leave the house for 6 weeks! no walmart, no church, no nothing.
e. I need to get a flu shot.
Neil's main concern is the fact that there are cases on the boat. He's not really sure what to do about it.
1. Pray for the labor to go smoothly, and that it happens in God's right timing - even if that right timing is Tuesday for an induction.
2. Pray for protection over Neil, myself, and our little one when he comes.
I know that God has us covered. I know that He is our Protector, our Shelter, our Refuge, and our Strength.
I feel like everyday I'm fighting more and more to not be anxious about anything, but I'm trying to give it to the Lord every time my thoughts are consumed by the "what ifs."
May He give us PEACE which passes every bit of our understanding.
I know He will. And I'm standing on those promises!
Friday, September 4, 2009
37 weeks
so, this was a week ago. My friend Ann, from church, asked if she could take pregnancy pictures of me last weekend. She's never done maternity pictures before, and wanted some practice...and wanted to experiment with different things - so I was her guinea pig :) It was a ton of fun! There's tons more pictures that I'll share later on, but here's just one for now to show how big the belly is...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Doctor visit
Monday I had another OB here we go!
1. I'm 37 weeks pregnant - officially full-term!! yeah!!
2. I gained my 1 pound, putting me at 25 lbs. gained - the minimum my doctor wanted me to gain - so that's good.
3. Balian is doing great.
4. Sadly, no progression. I'm still "definitely" 2cm and 50% effaced.
I know that some women progress to a certain point before labor and that's it - until they go into labor. I'm actually amazed that I've progressed at all, considering ALL of my progression with Bella happened in just hours!
As much as I hate sharp pains that almost make me weak in the knees at times, my back hurting almost constantly at this point, and having really painful braxton hicks contractions that keep me up for hours at night sometimes...
I'm actually very happy that he's still in there.
I want him to grow and develop until he's fully ready to come out.
Most importantly though, I know that God's timing is perfect. There's more to it than my comfort level. I think that God is waiting until family can be here for a while to support, take care of, and help us out for a while. And looking at the big picture, that's the best scinario for our entire family. No matter how impatient I may have the tendency to be at times...
5. my next appointment is going to be Tuesday, Sept. 8. I'll be about 38.5 weeks at that I'm sure my doctor and I will be discussing an inducing date, since they want to induce at 39 weeks.
we'll see what happens...
1. I'm 37 weeks pregnant - officially full-term!! yeah!!
2. I gained my 1 pound, putting me at 25 lbs. gained - the minimum my doctor wanted me to gain - so that's good.
3. Balian is doing great.
4. Sadly, no progression. I'm still "definitely" 2cm and 50% effaced.
I know that some women progress to a certain point before labor and that's it - until they go into labor. I'm actually amazed that I've progressed at all, considering ALL of my progression with Bella happened in just hours!
As much as I hate sharp pains that almost make me weak in the knees at times, my back hurting almost constantly at this point, and having really painful braxton hicks contractions that keep me up for hours at night sometimes...
I'm actually very happy that he's still in there.
I want him to grow and develop until he's fully ready to come out.
Most importantly though, I know that God's timing is perfect. There's more to it than my comfort level. I think that God is waiting until family can be here for a while to support, take care of, and help us out for a while. And looking at the big picture, that's the best scinario for our entire family. No matter how impatient I may have the tendency to be at times...
5. my next appointment is going to be Tuesday, Sept. 8. I'll be about 38.5 weeks at that I'm sure my doctor and I will be discussing an inducing date, since they want to induce at 39 weeks.
we'll see what happens...
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